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Israel war on Gaza live: Hamas strikes Israeli soldiers in Tal as-Sultan
  • [Al Jazeera] Street fighting is raging in southern Rafah’s Tal as-Sultan area with Hamas fighters attacking Israeli forces with rocket-propelled grenades and mortar rounds, days after a deadly ambush that killed eight Israeli soldiers.

  • Israel’s army claims to have seized control of about 60 percent of Rafah city after its seven-week ground invasion with 550 Palestinian fighters killed and 22 soldiers dead.
Rafah: 2024-06-17 'Defence system' on attacked troop carrier failed to work: Report
Rafah: 2024-06-17 IDF reveals Identifies of 7 Soldiers with the 601st “Asaf” Battalion of the Combat Engineering Corps who were Killed yesterday
Rafah: 2024-06-16 Good Morning
Tal as-Sultan: 2024-06-01 PRCS member says ambulance 'directly targeted' by Israeli warplane
Tal as-Sultan: 2024-05-28 Staff at Rafah's Kuwaiti Hospital evacuating patients under Israeli fire: Surgeon
Tal as-Sultan: 2024-05-27 'People burned alive' in attack on Rafah; IDF says they targetted two Hamas commanders in Hamas compound
Posted by:Fred
