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Muhammad Mustafa Ayoub, a Rocket and Artillery Field Commander is Hezbollah’s Nasser Unit was Eliminated earlier today by an Israeli Airstrike on his Car
Posted by:Fred

#7  This kill is on top of last Wednesday's successful targeting of Sami Taleb Abdullah:

Approximately 250 rockets were launched on Wednesday towards northern Israel, … These launches come after the assassination of senior Hezbollah official Sami Taleb Abdullah, whose rank was equivalent to a brigadier general … He is the highest-ranking Hezbollah commander to have been killed so far in the war.

… the IDF precisely assassinated Taleb using a fighter jet. … Hezbollah Secretary-general Hassan Nasrallah realizes that the IDF has the ability to kill him whenever it wants, and I believe this worries him quite a bit.

Posted by: mossomo   2024-06-18 12:49  

#6  US Envoy will hopefully be unemployed by 2025.
Posted by: Airandee   2024-06-18 11:48  

#5  In Beirut, US envoy urges de-escalation between Israel, Hezbollah: ‘Achievable, urgent’
Posted by: Skidmark   2024-06-18 10:45  

#4  His black, fishnet keffiyeh didn't save him. Inshallah, too bad.
Posted by: Besoeker   2024-06-18 09:35  

#3  nice to see good intel followed by successful operation
Posted by: Lord Garth   2024-06-18 07:20  

#2  They knew, which, when, where.
Posted by: Richard Aubrey   2024-06-18 06:21  

#1  Live by the rocket, die by the rocket
Posted by: Ululating Platypus   2024-06-18 00:45  
