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EA-18G Growler Killed A Houthi Mi-24 Hind With An AGM-88E Anti-Radiation Missile
[The Warzone] The Navy on Thursday confirmed to The War Zone that one of its EA-18G Growler electronic warfare aircraft used an AGM-88E Advanced Anti-Radiation Guided Missile (AARGM) to destroy a Mi-24/35 Hind attack helicopter. This confirms a possible explanation we suggested when a mysterious "kill mark" of a Hind appeared on a Growler deployed aboard the aircraft carrier Dwight D. Eisenhower (Ike) in a photo that was released on May 15.
That’s a long time to go without an explanation. Isn’t she facing Yemen at the moment? I assume that would mean the Hind belonged to the Houthis…
The engagement also likely highlights the AARGM's unique precision strike capabilities against non-radiating targets.

"The first instance of AARGM use in combat was from an E/A-18G deployed on Ike, during this current deployment to the U.S. 5th Fleet region," a Navy official told us. The official could not say if that engagement was the same as the one that earned a Growler its Hind kill mark.

We initially posited that the kill likely involved an AARGM.

"The Hind was reportedly struck on the ground, which is strange for a Growler," The War Zone's Tyler Rogoway tweeted on May 16. "Best guess: they fired AARGM to hit coordinates, not home in on emissions, which it's capable of. It is a good time-sensitive target effector in this way. We'll find out more."
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Posted by:M. Murcek

#5  Putting a radar array on a Hind to use spotting ships?

It was investigated and zapped for some reason.
Posted by: swksvolFF   2024-06-09 17:46  

#4  I wonder if the Hind was radiating

Ali, don't touch that sw...
Posted by: M. Murcek   2024-06-09 14:18  

#3  Growler will also be able to deliver LRASM, which is also getting upgrades to make it useful against ground targets.
Posted by: M. Murcek   2024-06-09 14:16  

#2  SteveS they have a 2.5 ton load capacity, so that's not improbable.
Posted by: Mullah Richard   2024-06-09 12:51  

#1  Interesting story. Apparently, the little Growler has some bite to go with its bark.

Random speculation: I wonder if the Hind was radiating in some way. I've heard tales from Ukr v Rus about Russian helicopters flying electronic warfare missions.
Posted by: SteveS   2024-06-09 10:18  
