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Government Corruption
Possible Juror Misconduct/Prejudice in Trump Trial in NYC
[X] Judge Merchan sends letter to parties in NY Trump case notifying them that this comment was left on their Facebook page before the verdict:

"My cousin is a juror and says Trump is getting convicted & Thank you folks for all your hard work!!!!."

-- the Facebook post also had anti MAGA comments

Related: FOX - NY v. Trump: Judge reveals Facebook post implying juror discussed guilty verdict before trial concluded
Posted by:Lord Garth

#14  Scapegoats of the Empire Amazon $9.99. #425 in South African History.
Posted by: Bobby   2024-06-08 18:12  

#13  @ #3. Witton's book, Scapegoats of the Empire, was originally published in 1907 by D. W. Paterson of Melbourne, but was long unavailable. It is claimed that prior to its reprint in 1982 by the Australian publishing house Angus & Robertson, only seven copies of the book survived in various Australian state libraries and in the possession of Witton's family. There has been a persistent though unproven allegation that the book was suppressed by the Australian government, and that most copies were destroyed on official instructions.
I actually have a first edition copy in my collection so I'm probably on some goverment hit list :-)
Posted by: Classer   2024-06-08 17:24  

#12  Two lawyers we seated to shepherd the others.
Posted by: Super Hose   2024-06-08 15:20  

#11  Growing up:
AI will be used to carry us to Jupiter, so long as we do not lose our judgement and humanity.

AI will be used to select a jury based on desired outcome of a Star Trial.
Posted by: swksvolFF   2024-06-08 13:21  

#10  some of the jurors are addicts/drug users

For Hunter, that is a jury of his peers.

For the Trump case, I thought being in favor of a guilty verdict was a requirement to be seated on the jury.
Posted by: SteveS   2024-06-08 12:54  

#9  Just like in the Hunter Biden trial some of the jurors are addicts/drug users.
Posted by: Deacon+Blues   2024-06-08 12:43  

#8  Puts on size 13 hat.

Used an AI/Advanced Search to crawl social media to select jurors whose verdict outcome would be undeniable.

Those subjects, and those closest to them, all have Warhol Syndrome and crave likes and subs, leaving it up despite requests. Of course everyone involved is drunk, high, and at the 'day spa' (don't tell me Merchant's glamour shot doesn't show him feeling fabulous) and a hack DEI hire, they make a mistake.

That said, could be there are still serious people who know history and know how this goes, and needed to find an out.

But don't discount #2 card.

Be a good at bat, and watch the spin of the ball to know the pitch.
Posted by: swksvolFF   2024-06-08 10:08  

#7  The real question is why did Merchan throw this out there so it became a big story? There's a hook in there somewhere.
Posted by: Mercutio   2024-06-08 09:08  

#6  #3 ^^ Great film
Posted by: badanov   2024-06-08 08:04  

#5  Face saving tactic. Declare a mistrial and redo before higher courts overturn for obvious irregularities.
Posted by: Throlush Dark Lord of the Nebraskans2736   2024-06-08 08:01  

#4  Yes grom. Anyone can post on facebook
Posted by: Anon1   2024-06-08 07:20  

#3  /\ It was a preordained verdict, before the trial even started.

Posted by: Besoeker   2024-06-08 06:32  

#2  Will be proven as hoax and used to attack any criticism of the trial.
Posted by: Grom the Reflective   2024-06-08 05:28  


Just confirming what a majority of the US Citizens knew on either political side.

It was a preordained verdict, before the trial even started.

Will the right wing media be tracking the odd circumstances of juror deaths by over the next few years. Deaths and accidents used by the Left to maintain their Juror tampering cover up ?

Posted by: NN2N1   2024-06-08 05:23  
