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Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Ukrainian Perspective: Invasion of Ukraine: June 7, 2024
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.

Worth noting, has compiled its Invasion of Ukraine series into separate months, beginning May 9th, 2023. Linked in the title.

[Korrespondent] 21:31 Only 27% of thermal power plants are currently operating in Ukraine, Shmygal said. According to the prime minister, 42 power units were destroyed as a result of Russian shelling. In addition, 20 hydropower units are not operating - this is another 1.3 GW of capacity.

21:25 Macron said that France decided to create a coalition of countries that would like to send instructors to Ukraine, and many partners have already given their consent: “Out of respect for them, I cannot tell you now that France will do this, but we We already know that we will not be alone. We will use the next days to organize this broader coalition to respond to Ukraine's requests."

At the same time, he emphasized that France is not at war with Russia and does not want escalation, but wants to do everything to help Ukraine defend itself: “So when Ukraine asks us to train on its sovereign territory, is this an escalation? No. This is not sending soldiers to the line front. Why should we obey Russia, which will decide that we have no right to send instructors? We do not agree with these red lines."

21:22 Russian troops dropped explosives from a drone onto a transformer substation in the Belozersk community of the Kherson region - seven settlements in the Belozersk region were left without electricity, said the head of the OVA Alexander Prokudin.

21:07 In Ukraine, 90% of rescuers and police officers are booked, said Minister of Internal Affairs Igor Klimenko. According to him, all firefighters, sappers, rescuers, chemists, engineers and other employees of rapid response units are reserved for the State Emergency Service.

21:04 Germany is considering the possibility of sending a fourth Patriot battery to Ukraine, but a final decision has not yet been made, Bloomberg writes.

20:59 Macron and Zelensky signed an agreement on financing critical infrastructure in Ukraine. The French president said that the agreement provides for the creation of a fund of 200 million euros, intended for those enterprises that will invest in Ukraine's critical infrastructure for reconstruction. Of this, 60 million euros will be allocated to the energy sector.

20:35 The Netherlands, together with Denmark, will produce CV90 infantry fighting vehicles for Ukraine, as well as, together with Germany, missiles for the Patriot air defense system, the country's government reported.

19:06 The government has simplified military registration for Ukrainians abroad: now military registration can be carried out through foreign diplomatic institutions. In addition, the Cabinet of Ministers adopted a resolution according to which reservations will be made in Dii, and not in paper form.

18:50 On Saturday, June 8, all regional power companies will apply hourly shutdown schedules from 00:00 to 05:00 and from 16:00 to 24:00, Ukrenergo reported.

18:44 Ukraine is now using all slots for training pilots and engineers for F-16 fighters, Air Force spokesman Ilya Yevlash said: “We have several stages, and they are all filled. The first stage is ground training and language courses. The second stage is training on light aircraft and the third stage - directly on the F-16, this is the final stage. There are a number of bureaucratic procedures and technical nuances left. We are waiting for the aircraft as soon as possible."

18:19 The government has instructed all public authorities to reduce electricity consumption - in particular, to abandon the use of air conditioners, external lighting of buildings and surrounding areas. The Cabinet of Ministers also recommends that law enforcement agencies, judicial authorities, and other government agencies take similar steps, and local authorities limit street lighting. Businesses are urged to limit the use of air conditioners and other energy-intensive equipment that is not critical to production activities.

In addition, the prime minister announced an upcoming program of preferential loans for the purchase of energy equipment for both citizens and businesses.

18:07 In Ukraine, starting from Saturday, June 8, a new procedure for applying hourly power outage schedules will be launched in test mode, which should ensure a shorter duration of restrictions, said First Deputy Head of the Ministry of Energy Yuriy Vlasenko.

17:58 Putin said that “a usurpation of power has occurred” in Ukraine, but negotiations are “still possible.” He believes that the executive power of Ukraine has lost its legitimacy, and possible negotiations between Russia and Ukraine should be based on “current realities.”

The head of the Kremlin also claims that Russia supposedly “does not rattle nuclear weapons.” “I proceed from the fact that the world will never come to this,” he said. Putin does not believe that a case has come when the use of nuclear weapons is possible, but he does not rule out making changes to the nuclear doctrine. In addition, Putin asked “not to mention in vain again” the possibility of nuclear strikes.

17:24 Zelensky met with Joe Biden in France on the sidelines of ceremonies marking the 80th anniversary of the Normandy landing. Biden has officially announced a new arms package for Ukraine. The presidents will hold at least two meetings within a few days: the second is expected at the G7 summit, which will take place June 13-15 in Italy. Read more in the material Apologies and help.

17:01 Russians fired at civilian infrastructure in the Poltava region. According to preliminary information, one person was wounded as a result of a hit in a residential building, said the head of the OVA, Philip Pronin.

16:57 Germany is “irritating” many NATO allies by resisting the word “mission” in the name of the new program to support Ukraine, dpa writes. They want to call the program NATO Mission Ukraine, and Berlin opposes the word “mission” due to fears that this will create a false impression about the Alliance’s alleged intentions to send Western military personnel to Ukraine and Russian propaganda will additionally use this to promote the narrative of an “aggressive bloc.” For almost all other allies, these arguments from Berlin allegedly look completely “incomprehensible” and “an unnecessary glance at Russia.”

16:12 Biden apologized to Zelensky for the delay in the arms delivery: “I apologize for the weeks of not knowing whether the funding would be accepted because we had problems passing the bill that we had to pass from some of our very conservative members who delayed him, but we did it."

15:49 The Pentagon has released a list of weapons that Ukraine will receive as part of the new aid package:

  • missiles for HAWK air defense systems;

  • Stinger anti-aircraft missiles;

  • HIMARS rocket artillery system ammunition;

  • 155 mm howitzers;

  • artillery shells of 155 mm and 105 mm caliber;

  • 81 mm mortar systems;

  • M113 armored personnel carriers;

  • trailers for transporting heavy equipment;

  • coastal and river patrol boats;

  • tube-launched optically tracked wire-guided (TOW) missiles;

  • Javelin and AT-4 anti-tank systems;

  • small arms ammunition and grenades;

  • explosive ammunition;

  • night-vision devices;

  • spare parts and other auxiliary equipment.

15:23 In Zatoka, Odessa region, there was a threat of landing, so the swimming season will not open there, said the head of the OBA Oleg Kiper: “In Zatoka at the beginning of the war there were questions about the possibility of landing. There are very convenient steep sandy beaches where troops can land, Therefore, today there is a question of danger there that will be studied."

15:17 The French-German concern KNDS, which produces Caesar self-propelled guns, announced the creation of a subsidiary in Ukraine. Representatives of KNDS and the Ukrainian company ENMEK signed two declarations of intent, one of which concerns the creation of a maintenance center for Caesar self-propelled guns, and the second - 3D printing of spare parts. A contract was also formalized to transfer licensed production of 155 mm shells to Ukraine.

14:52 Biden, at a meeting with Zelensky in Paris, announced a new aid package for Ukraine worth $225 million, CNN reports.

14:18 France will not send its instructors to Ukraine, Defense Minister Sebastien Lecornu said: “We have returned to the issue of creating a brigade, 4,500 soldiers is a lot. This requires training, as well as engineering capabilities, artillery capabilities, reconnaissance capabilities. For the first time We are going to provide such consistent support. These 4,500 Ukrainian soldiers in the brigade will be fully equipped and trained by the French army, the French Ministry of the Armed Forces, but will be trained in France."

Politico writes, citing sources, that before yesterday’s meeting in Normandy, Macron, in a telephone conversation, suggested Biden send Western instructors to Ukraine, but the US President did not support him. Biden expressed concern that they could be hit and lead to an escalation.

14:13 Strikes in Lugansk today were carried out in the south and east of the city - in particular, in the Ostroy Mogila area, near the barracks of the former Lugansk Higher Military School of Navigators, where Russian military personnel were stationed, said the head of the Lugansk OVA Artem Lysogor. According to him, in the same place there is an airfield, an aircraft repair plant, and also a route to the Russian border. They also report that an oil depot was hit - this is the fourth time in the last two months.

Meanwhile, the Russian Ministry of Defense said that Ukraine fired five ATACMS missiles at Lugansk, four of which were allegedly shot down and one hit two residential buildings.

13:54 The Russians again shelled Nikopol, Dnepropetrovsk region, one person was killed, said the head of the OVA Sergei Lysak.

13:35 The European Commission supported the start of negotiations on Ukraine’s accession to the EU. The announced conclusion of the EC states that Ukraine continues systematic efforts to join the European Union and has completed all four additional reform steps, Shmygal said.

12:29 The Cabinet of Ministers approved a new procedure for issuing passports to Ukrainian citizens abroad - men from 18 to 60 years old will need to show a military registration document.

12:30 The “LPR” announced a Ukrainian attack on occupied Lugansk, as a result of which the entrance to an apartment building collapsed. There are 22 casualties known, and there are people under the rubble.

12:26 Peskov said that there are no discussions about the creation of a new federal district in the presidential administration of the Russian Federation.

11:58 Zelensky, in his speech to the French National Assembly, rejected the possibility of territorial concessions to Russia to end the war: “Can Putin win the war? No, because you and I have no right to lose. Can this war fade away on the current lines? No, because there are no lines for evil, whether 80 years ago or now. And if someone tries to draw time lines themselves, it will give a pause before a new war... Hitler overcame line after line, and Putin does the same today."

11:29 Russia may already participate in the next peace conference, said Swiss President Viola Amherd: “It is clear to us that we will not sign a peace agreement following the conference. For peace, both sides must sit at the negotiating table. Russia could attend the possible next conference ". In her opinion, the summit in Switzerland on June 15-16 will become the basis for further negotiations.

11:14 Japan handed over to Ukraine a batch of SUVs for the Defense Forces, the embassy reported. These are 101 vehicles - in particular, Toyota HMV SUVs, Mitsubishi Type 73 Kogata and PC-065B tracked engineering vehicles.

10:47 As a result of a night attack in Crimea, two Russian radar stations in the village of Mysovoye in the Leninsky district were slightly damaged. One serviceman of the Russian Armed Forces was wounded, the opposition Russian publication Astra reports, citing sources in the emergency services. Earlier, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported that 11 drones were shot down over Crimea overnight.

10:35 The Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense warns that the Russian special services are preparing another information and psychological operation worth $15 million, aimed at discrediting the military leadership of Ukraine, including against Ukrainian military intelligence. It is planned to post a number of articles and “films” in the media space of Ukraine and Western countries, in which, in particular, the data of employees of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Moscow Region will be disclosed. The goal of Russia’s next information attack is to discredit Ukrainian combat special forces, block the work of departments developing and carrying out combat and special missions against Moscow, as well as create another factor of social tension in Ukraine.

10:16 The Ministry of Energy stated that energy facilities were not damaged as a result of the overnight Russian attack.

10:03 In the Donetsk region over the past 24 hours, one person was killed as a result of Russian shelling - in Chasovoy Yar, said the head of the OBA Vadim Filashkin. Four more people were injured: in Torskoye, Zeleny Pole, in the Chasovoyarsk community and in the Toretsk community.

09:28 Associated Press writes that the new US aid package worth $225 million will include, in particular, ammunition for HIMARS and artillery shells, mortar systems, HAWK air defense missiles, Stinger anti-aircraft missiles, Javelin and AT-4 anti-tank systems, armored vehicles patrol boats. Biden is expected to announce the new package at a meeting with Zelensky in Paris on Friday, June 7.

08:37 In the Kherson region over the past 24 hours, four people were injured as a result of Russian shelling, said the head of the OVA, Alexander Prokudin. Three high-rise buildings and 14 private houses, as well as a shopping hypermarket, were damaged.

08:19 The General Staff announced the estimated losses of the Russian Federation as of the morning of June 7:

  • personnel - about 516,080 (+1080) people,

  • tanks - 7834 (+6),

  • armored combat vehicles - 15,096 (+20),

  • artillery systems - 13,497 (+64),

  • MLRS - 1095 (+0),

  • air defense systems - 833 (+2),

  • aircraft - 357 (+0),

  • helicopters - 326 (+0),

  • Operational-tactical level UAV - 10,886 (+40),

  • cruise missiles - 2270 (+0),

  • ships/boats - 28 (+1),

  • submarines - 1 (+0),

  • automotive equipment and tank trucks - 18,416 (+56),

  • special equipment - 2238 (+8).

07:51 At night, the Russians attacked Nikopol, Dnepropetrovsk region, with artillery and kamikaze drones, two people were injured, said the head of the OVA Sergei Lysak. About 15 private houses were damaged.

07:46 Air defense at night destroyed all five Kh-101/Kh-555 cruise missiles and 48 of 53 Shahed-131/136 attack UAVs, the Air Force reported. Russia struck critical infrastructure facilities with strategic aviation - Tu-95MS bombers from the airspace of the Saratov region and attack drones from Primorsko-Akhtarsk, Yeisk, Kursk and Cape Chauda. Air targets were destroyed in Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye, Kirovograd, Nikolaev, Kherson, Odessa, Kharkov, Kyiv and Khmelnytsky regions.

05:58 Throughout the night, Russia attacked the Kiev region with drones and missiles. As a result of the attack, a fire occurred at one of the industrial facilities, no people were injured, said the head of the police department, Ruslan Kravchenko. Elimination of the consequences of the fire continues.

Posted by:badanov
