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-Short Attention Span Theater-
Hugs of the remaining battalions. On whose behalf Zelensky rejoiced in Normandy
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
by Denis Davydov

[REGNUM] In proper PR, random meetings in public do not happen, so the “unknown American veteran” turned up to Zelensky in Normandy, of course, according to the script. And according to the same scenario, the hero was introduced to the Ukrainian guest by none other than Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who stood nearby with a touching grimace. On large screens throughout Omaha Beach, a story was broadcast that could melt even a stony heart. A wheelchair-bound veteran of D-Day (Decision Day, as the Allied landings in France are called in Western tradition) told Vladimir that he was the “savior of the people” and tried to kiss his hand.
Posted by:badanov
