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Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Investigative Committee will identify those involved in the shelling of the village of Sadovoye in the Kherson region
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[Regnum] The Investigative Committee of Russia is establishing the circumstances of another crime of the Kyiv regime against the civilian population of the Kherson region, the department reported on June 7 in the Telegram channel.

“The Investigative Committee of Russia will establish all the circumstances of the incident, as well as the circle of persons involved in the commission of the crime, and will give their actions a legal assessment,” the press service of the Investigative Committee indicated.

According to executive authorities, as a result of shelling by Kyiv militants in the village of Sadovoye, Golopristansky municipal district, a store was destroyed. There were visitors and staff inside at the time of the impact.

As Regnum reported, the death toll after the shelling of the village of Sadovoye in the Kherson region on June 7 increased to 22 people. 15 civilians were injured by shrapnel, five of them are in serious condition. All victims are provided with the necessary medical care, said regional governor Vladimir Saldo.

He added that Ukrainian militants hit a store in the Kherson region from the right bank of the Dnieper, first with a controlled aerial bomb, and then with a HIMARS MLRS. According to Saldo, after the first arrival, residents of neighboring houses ran out to help the victims. A few minutes later, a second strike was carried out for more casualties.

Posted by:badanov
