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Home Front: Politix
'Lame duck' on an imaginary chair: Biden’s insanity is growing stronger in France
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
by Malek Dudakov

[REGNUM] American President Joe Biden's first European tour in a whole year immediately became the basis for all sorts of jokes and ridicule. Everything worked out perfectly for this. Or, if you look at it from a different angle, it’s completely sad. The situation inside the US is worsening, Biden's ratings are low. Well, with his cognitive abilities, things get worse the closer to the elections. At the ceremony of the 80th anniversary of the landing in Normandy, Biden again delighted the whole world with his pirouettes and attempts to sit on an invisible chair. Everything would be fine, but literally a couple of days before his arrival in Europe, devastating material for him came out in the press of Rupert Murdoch.
Posted by:badanov
