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Science & Technology
Neanderthals and humans interbred 47,000 years ago for nearly 7,000 years, research suggests
[Life Science] DNA from prehistoric and modern-day people suggests that humans interbred with Neanderthals 47,000 years ago for a period lasting 6,800 years.

Neanderthal genes seen in modern humans may have entered our DNA through an interval of interbreeding starting about 47,000 years ago that lasted nearly 7,000 years, new research finds.
See: "Waters, Maxine"
Neanderthals were among the closest extinct relatives of modern humans (Homo sapiens), with the ancestors of both lineages diverging about 500,000 years ago. More than a decade ago, scientists revealed that Neanderthals interbred with the ancestors of modern humans who migrated out of Africa. Today, the genomes of modern human populations outside Africa contain about 1% to 2% of Neanderthal DNA.

Researchers are still unsure about when and where Neanderthal DNA made its way into the modern human genome. For instance, did Neanderthals and modern humans intermingle at one specific place and time outside Africa, or did they interbreed at many places and times?

To solve this mystery, researchers analyzed more than 300 modern human genomes spanning the past 45,000 years. These included samples from 59 individuals who lived between 2,200 and 45,000 years ago and 275 diverse present-day modern humans. The scientists posted their findings on the BioRxiv preprint database. (As the study is currently under review for potential publication in a scientific journal, the study's authors declined to comment.)

The scientists focused on how much Neanderthal DNA they could see in these modern human samples. By comparing how the level of Neanderthal ancestry varied in modern human DNA across different locations and times, they could estimate when Neanderthals and modern humans interbred, and for how long.
Posted by:Besoeker

#15   Aborigines claim to have been in Australia, isolated, for 60,000 years
Yet they also have neanderthal and denisovan DNA?

Not in africa. Only African blacks lack neanderthal dna?

Current thinking is there were multiple waves of migration out of Africa, our ancestral home. Some that headed towards Europe became the Neanderthals, some who went east to Asia became the Denisovians. Nothing too surprising about that, isolated populations tend to drift genetically.

Way back when, the sea level was a 100 meters lower. This meant our Indonesian archipelago was a landmass we now call Sundaland. The people living in east Asia, along with their Denisovan genes, could migrate down from Asia, across Sundaland to New Guinea and Australia.

Africans who never left Africa had little contact with the Neanderthals or Denisovans, which meant few opportunities for gene mixing (*he means boinking*)

An excellent book on this is Who We Are and How We Got Here: Ancient DNA and the New Science of the Human Past by David Reich. It tells the story of ancestral human migration thru full genome DNA sequencing. It gets a bit technical in spots, but has some great maps showing population movements over time.
There is no such thing as "racial purity". The distinct races we today are *all* mixtures of two or more ancestral groups. And the same with those groups.
Populations were much more mobile than we imagine. The people who built Stonehenge were not the people living there 500 years later.
Posted by: SteveS   2024-06-08 23:08  

#14  Besoeker thanks. I guess I should have recognized the humor but I've had to put up with a lot of crap from New Yorkers when I was there working for an architectural firm and from Bostonians when I was working there. I'm sorry I sounded off.
Posted by: Deacon+Blues   2024-06-08 22:43  

#13  Auburn, home of the Mises Institute. Must be full of egg heads (a compliment).

Unfortunately, Georgia is stuck with slobs such as this one:
Posted by: DooDahMan   2024-06-08 18:39  

#12  Deacon, please excuse my attempt at humor. While jokes about Alabama are as common as grits in Georgia, you indeed are owed my apology. Please accept mine.

* Impressive accademic creds BTW.
Posted by: Besoeker   2024-06-08 16:36  

#11  Besoeker I am from Alabama, went to Hogh School in Dothan, and graduated from Auburn University School of Architecture and Fine Arts. You are so wrong. I would like an apology.
Posted by: Deacon+Blues   2024-06-08 16:31  

#10  Remember if you euro-White you are a minority.
Euro-Whites only amount to less than 8.1% of the worlds racial population.
Posted by: NN2N1   2024-06-08 10:28  

#9  Incidentally, in Biology, the ability to interbreed defines species.
Posted by: Grom the Reflective   2024-06-08 10:16  

#8  7,000 years!? Wow, that's a lot of foreplay!
Posted by: AlmostAnonymous5839   2024-06-08 10:01  

Posted by: Jack+Creanter7508   2024-06-08 09:47  

#6  Remember its "Pride" month for humans who will mate with anything, organic or not.
Posted by: Procopius2k   2024-06-08 08:31  

#5  did they interbreed at many places and times

Did they have this school teacher/student thing?

Snark O'The Day
Posted by: Skidmark   2024-06-08 08:05  


I guess this could also be used to explain some modern day lacking regions?
Posted by: NN2N1   2024-06-08 05:04  

#3  Aborigines claim to have been in Australia, isolated, for 60,000 years
Yet they also have neanderthal and denisovan DNA?


Not in africa. Only African blacks lack neanderthal dna?
Posted by: Anon1   2024-06-08 04:35  

#2  Tensas Parish Confidential

A Homo Neanderthalensis
Neglected his mending of fences.
An Indian giver
Snuck over the river.
They travel in pairs come the census.

With utmost respect and empathy for the removed, whose departure long preceded events summarized above.
Posted by: Pancho Poodle8452   2024-06-08 04:14  

#1  ....and 275 diverse present-day modern humans

...from Dotham, Auburn, and Birmingham.
Posted by: Besoeker   2024-06-08 01:07  
