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-Lurid Crime Tales-
Connecticut residents form armed group to defend against violent crime
[FoxNews] A predominantly Black neighborhood in Hartford, Connecticut, hoping to fend off violent crime, has turned to an armed group of citizens to patrol their streets by land and by air.

The so-called "Self-Defense Brigade" — made up of about 40 legally armed citizens — are voluntarily patrolling the streets of Hartford’s North End wearing body cameras mostly on nights and weekends, according to the group’s founder, Cornell Lewis.

When the armed volunteers are not on the streets, the group monitors video feeds from a dozen drones hovering over the neighborhood, and 75 home surveillance cameras in the neighborhood.

"The Democratic machine in Hartford is either unwilling or unable, incapable of doing it, and people are paying their tax dollars, and they're not really getting any kind of service," Lewis told Fox News. "So we want the people to understand, number one, self-defense is not a dirty word."

Hartford’s Democratic Mayor Arunan Arulampalam
…of Tamil descent, his parents fled Sri Lanka for England, then settled in Zimbobwe, where Hizzoner was born, before removing to California. After working as a lawyer for a few years, the naturalized American citizen decided to go into politics, and as Hartford is a deep blue city, he naturally became a Democrat. This may not turn out to be as clever as first appeared…
has denounced the group over concerns they will enact vigilante justice.
Hartford, Connecticut: 2023-02-28 Israeli man killed in West Bank terror shooting — IDF
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Posted by:Skidmark

#2  Vigilante justice happens when the state no longer offers true justice.
Posted by: Procopius2k   2024-06-08 08:35  

#1  Connecticut town refuses to fly 'antagonistic' 'thin blue line' flag to honor fallen trooper
Posted by: Skidmark   2024-06-08 08:08  
