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Apollo 8 astronaut, William Anders, who took famous picture of Earth, killed in small plane crash
[FoxNews] 90 is a good run, RIP
Posted by:Skidmark

#9  Fixed, no prob
Posted by: Frank G   2024-06-08 19:47  

#8  Ooops, I didn't realize the image was so large. I'll try and remember to reducd the width next time.
Posted by: DooDahMan   2024-06-08 18:43  

#7  Are they resurrecting the "death from Fauci Flu" meme?

Posted by: DooDahMan   2024-06-08 18:42  

#6  Looked like an attempted loop that went very, very wrong.
Posted by: Gleremble+Bucket3559   2024-06-08 16:30  

#5  There's a T-34 in US Navy livery frequently parked at an FBO at the end of my street.
Posted by: M. Murcek   2024-06-08 10:01  

#4  "The FAA confirmed to Fox News Digital that the plane that crashed was a vintage Air Force T-34 Mentor and said the only person on board was the pilot."

And what did Besoeker say earlier about seven US Congressthings going up in a vintage plane for a jump for the D-Day commemoration?
Posted by: DooDahMan   2024-06-08 09:49  

#3  I thought FAA gives people hell about keeping their pilot's license after age 70.I remember reading about them giving Bob Hoover a hard time.
Posted by: M. Murcek   2024-06-08 09:36  

#2  Apollo 8 astronaut William Anders, 90, killed in small plane crash
Posted by: Skidmark   2024-06-08 09:30  

#1  Small airplanes, why do they hate us ?
Posted by: Besoeker   2024-06-08 08:11  
