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Denmark's PM Mette Frederiksen attacked in Copenhagen, man arrested
[NY Post] 48 hour rule
Denmark’s Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen walked away following an assault by a man in central Copenhagen on Friday and had no outward signs of harm, a local resident told Reuters.

"Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen was beaten on Friday evening at Kultorvet (square, red.) in Copenhagen by a man who was subsequently arrested.
It will be interesting to see who he is and why he did it: mentally ill, jihadi, left wing nut, right wing nut…
The Prime Minister is shocked by the incident," her office said in a statement without giving further detail.

Copenhagen Police and Denmark’s national security and intelligence service confirmed the incident to Reuters but declined to provide more detail.

"She seemed a little stressed," Soren Kjergaard, who works as a barista on the square, told Reuters after seeing the prime minister being escorted away by security following the assault.

Danish Minister of Environment Magnus Heunicke said on X: "Mette is naturally shocked by the attack. I must say that it shakes all of us who are close to her."
Posted by:Frank G

#3  Uh huh? Good security?
Posted by: Frank G   2024-06-08 19:40  

#2  Times of Israel: Unnamed attacker, 39, is Polish, mentally ill, under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

So now we know.
Posted by: trailing wife   2024-06-08 15:49  

#1  Name not given = Muslim.
Posted by: Grom the Reflective   2024-06-08 05:15  
