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Home Front: Politix
House passes bill allowing more officers to carry concealed firearms across state lines
[JustTheNews] The GOP-led House passed a bill on Thursday to allow more law enforcement officers to carry concealed firearms across state lines.

The bill received support from 16 House Democrats while 185 opposed it.

The final vote was 221-185.

The LEOSA Reform Act, in it became law, would broaden the "authority for certain law enforcement officers to carry concealed firearms across state lines."

The legislation would also allow "qualified active and retired law enforcement officers to carry concealed firearms and ammunition (including magazines) in school zones; in national parks; on state, local, or private property that is open to the public; and in certain federal facilities that are open to the public."
Another one to set aside until the Republicans control both Houses of Congress, and probably the White House as well.
Posted by:Skidmark
