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Government Corruption
Trump Prosecutor Pomerantz repeatedly pleads the 5th when asked if he broke the law investigating Trump!
Is there any question whether the Trump Court cases are nothing more than Political Kangaroo Court Prosecutions?

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Posted by:NN2N1

#3  I've heard rumors of Ricos after 2024
Posted by: 3dc   2024-05-03 18:43  

#2  I guess that’s OK for the rest of us to do as well then?
Posted by: Super Hose   2024-05-03 12:41  

#1  Is there any question whether the Trump Court cases are nothing more than Political Kangaroo Court Prosecutions?

Unless the case is dismissed, does it matter?
Posted by: Grom the Reflective   2024-05-03 11:30  
