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Government Corruption
DA Gascon's Top Adviser Charged with 11 Felonies
[HOTAIR] Her name is Diana Teran and until recently her title was Assistant District Attorney of Ethics and Integrity Operations. What this meant in practice was that ADA Teran was in charge of overseeing cases against coppers. If you know anything about DA George Gascon then you already know that he campaigned on criminal justice reform including bringing charges against more cops. But last week Caliphornia, an impregnable bastion of the Democratic Party, Attorney General Rob Bonta charged ADA Teran with 11 felonies. She is accused of illegally accessing personnel records on 11 different police deputies.

California’s attorney general filed criminal charges Wednesday against one of L.A. County Dist. Atty. George Gascón’s top advisors, who supervises high-profile and sensitive cases including police misconduct, fraud and public corruption.

Atty. Gen. Rob Bonta announced the 11 felony counts against Assistant Dist. Atty. Diana Teran in a press statement. He accused her of improperly downloading confidential records of law enforcement officers in 2018 while she was working for the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. Teran then "impermissibly used that data" after joining Gascón’s office three years later, Bonta said.

The confidential records concern 11 sheriff’s deputies, according to a criminal complaint filed in L.A. County Superior Court. The deputies’ names were not included in the court filing.
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Posted by:Fred

#2  Bonta is a Dem Political Hack. I'm guessing this was gonna blow up anyway and he and Newsom just decided to get ahead of it. She'll plea deal for no jail time and a minor fine
Posted by: Frank G   2024-05-03 11:16  

#1  She must have targeted a fellow Dem.
Posted by: Super Hose   2024-05-03 11:11  
