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Caribbean-Latin America
New President of El Salvador requests AG to investigate everyone in the Executive Branch

Translated from Spanish by Google

It is not the first, and it will not be the last.

If God allows it, our war against corruption will be as successful as our war against gangs.

Translated from Spanish by Google

The @FGR_SV has ordered the capture of Presidential Commissioner Christian Herson Flores Sandoval, for the crime of Improper Bribery as the Direct Author.

The investigations show that Flores, using his position as Presidential Commissioner, demanded money from people and companies in exchange for benefits and preferential participation in the government's strategic projects.

This is just the beginning of an extensive investigation, to deduce responsibilities and other corruption crimes.

Flores will be presented to the corresponding courts, so that he can be processed and answer to the laws.

The @FGR_SV will continue steadfast in the fight against corruption.
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Posted by:Skidmark

#3  since it no longer matters if you're a foreign national running for POTUS, why not this guy, once he's done cleaning up the El Salvadoran swamp
Posted by: 746   2024-05-03 12:47  

#2  My guess is that he doesn’t have Bill Barr as his AG.
Posted by: Super Hose   2024-05-03 11:04  

#1  Unusually long trigger fingers.
Posted by: Skidmark   2024-05-03 07:57  
