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Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Russians did not break through to the Siverskyi Donets - Donbas channel near Chasovoy Yar, — Defense Forces
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[LB] Currently, the struggle for logistics routes continues.

by Ivanna Kapustyansk

The Russian army continues to storm the outskirts of Chasovoy Yar in the Donetsk direction. Currently, there is a great struggle between the Defense Forces and the army of the Russian Federation for the control of logistics routes.

Nazar Voloshyn, the spokesman of the Khortytsia operational-strategic troop group, said this in a comment to "Interfax-Ukraine".

"The information that the Russians broke through to the Siverskyi Donets-Donbas channel is not true," the spokesman said.

Despite unsuccessful assault actions, the enemy continues to attack the positions of the Armed Forces near Chasovoy Yar. The situation is currently under control.

"The enemy continues to destroy Chasiv Yar and the surrounding settlements with both aviation and artillery. The occupiers are trying in every way to gain these commanding heights, on which Chasiv Yar is located, in order to start a further struggle for the territories and shell Kostyantynivka, Druzhkivka, Slovyansk, Kramatorsk," Voloshyn said.

He also noted that in order to capture the settlement of Chasiv Yar and create conditions for further advancement to the Kramatorsk agglomeration, the enemy is trying to cross the Siverskyi Donets - Donbas border.

"Everything that some analysts and experts are now commenting, that the enemy has broken through to the canal, is not true. The enemy was not there this morning. He may have stormed there, but he was not there," said the spokesman of the "Khortytsia" OSUV.

Now there is a great struggle for the control of logistics routes.

"The occupiers are trying to destroy all our platoon and strongholds, and the city of Chasiv Yar itself, using the scorched earth method, so that our defenders have nowhere to defend themselves. The second line of defense has been strengthened. The defense forces are ready to fight the enemy," he added.

The Russian army is trying to bypass the outskirts of Chasovoy Yar near Bohdanivka and Ivanivskyi in order to bypass the city in a circle. Defense forces repulse enemy attacks.

Earlier it was reported that the Russian army is trying to bypass Chasiv Yar on the flanks through other settlements and has now begun to storm Andriivka and Klishchiivka, west of Bakhmut.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Colonel-General Oleksandr Syrskyi, stated that the higher Russian military leadership had set the task for its troops to capture Chasiv Yar by May 9.

In order to capture Chasiv Yar in Donetsk region, the Russian army began to use tactics that were used during the offensive in Avdiivka. The enemy drops aerial bombs on the city.

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The defense forces are knocking out the enemy from Ocheretyny — OSUV "Khortytsia"

In order to break through the defense of the Armed Forces, the enemy used up to four brigades in this direction.

by Ivanna Kapustyanska

The Defense Forces of Ukraine are taking measures to drive out the Russian invaders from the village of Ocheretyne in the Donetsk region.

This was stated by the spokesman of the Khortytsia operational-strategic group of troops, Lt. Col. Nazar Voloshyn, writes ArmyInform.

"Regarding Ocheretino, the situation is such that the enemy managed to break through and gain a foothold in this settlement. Its part is under the control of the enemy. This part is under our fire control. The Armed Forces and the Defense Forces are taking all measures to knock the enemy out of there. Heavy fighting is currently going on there. The Armed Forces are monitoring this situation," said the spokesman of the "Khortytsia" OSU.

As the soldier noted, in order to develop tactical success in this area and break through the Ukrainian defense, the enemy deployed up to 4 brigades in this direction.

"On our side, measures are also being taken to stabilize the situation, in particular, to return counterattacks over Ocheretyn — for this purpose, additional forces and resources were introduced from the reserve," the spokesman adds.

Earlier, the spokesman of the "Khortytsia" OSU noted that the Armed Forces control two-thirds of the villages of Ocheretine and Solovyove. The Ukrainian military is blocking the enemy and working to knock out the enemy's forces from their positions.

Posted by:badanov

#1  Baghdad Bob is alive and well.
Posted by: BrerRabbit   2024-05-03 08:09  
