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Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Ukrainian Perspective: Invasion of Ukraine: May 2, 2024
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.

Worth noting, has compiled its Invasion of Ukraine series into separate months, beginning May 9th, 2023. Linked in the title.

[Korrespondent] 22:03 Russia secretly supplies refined oil to North Korea in volumes that violate the restrictions established by the UN Security Council. This could lead to the US introducing new sanctions, the White House said.

21:20 At the Peace Summit, which will be held on June 15-16 in Switzerland, the leaders of dozens of countries should together discuss the Zelensky formula and create on its basis a clear plan for achieving peace, which will then be presented to Moscow. Read more in the material Global negotiations without Russia.

21:07 Turkey refused to comply with the US request to transfer S-400 air defense systems to Ukraine, said the country's Defense Minister Yashar Guler. “We are not going to transfer our S-400 systems to anyone,” he emphasized.

21:01 The Russians fired from Grady Memrik in the Novogrodovsk community of the Donetsk region - two people were killed, two were wounded. Among the dead is a 12-year-old child, said the head of the OVA, Vadim Filashkin. According to preliminary information, seven private houses were damaged.

20:53 The Russians shelled the village of Novoosinovo, Kupyansky district, Kharkov region, one person was killed, said the head of the OVA Oleg Sinegubov.

20:25 Ukraine and Switzerland have completed sending invitations to the Peace Summit, which will take place on June 15-16, Zelensky said in an evening video message. According to him, “this will be the first stage - in fact, the first real chance to begin restoring a just world.” At the same time, the president noted that Putin will try “to disrupt this work through various manipulations and the force of blows from his terrorists, and will try to weaken Ukrainian positions on the battlefield, in diplomacy, and in the information sphere.”

20:18 US Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines predicts that Putin will resort to aggressive tactics in Ukraine, given that domestic and international events are developing in his favor. Haynes noted that Russia has stepped up attacks on Ukrainian infrastructure to prevent Kyiv from moving weapons and troops, slow down defense production and force it to consider negotiations. According to Haynes, these "aggressive tactics" are likely to continue, and "the war is unlikely to end anytime soon."

19:14 Today the Russian army hit Dergachi in the Kharkov region with two UMPB D30-SN bombs, the prosecutor’s office reported. A total of nine people were injured, including eight children. One of the bombs hit the territory of the sports complex, injuring seven children who were in class at that moment. The second blow was dealt to the private residential sector.

18:52 The Russians launched the first train on the railway, which is being built in the Azov region as an alternative to the Kerch Bridge, said Advisor to the Mayor of Mariupol Pyotr Andryushchenko. The train left the port of Mariupol for the Volnovakha station.

18:45 Estonian MP Kristo Ann Vaga rode a bicycle from Tallinn to Kiev to raise money for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. According to the deputy, this act should demonstrate that the war is just a bike ride away. 29,916 euros have already been donated to his initiative, and the collection continues. For this money, all-wheel drive cars and FPV drones will be purchased.

18:13 Zelensky said that he held a meeting of the Headquarters of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. I heard a large report on the degree of readiness of fortification lines in border regions and in areas of active combat operations. Syrsky reported on the current situation at the front and the organization of rotation of units for restoration, and also discussed the pace and needs in recruiting new brigades.

Umerov reported on the schedule for the receipt of weapons from partners, he was instructed to take all possible measures to reduce the time frame. “This is especially true for the supply of air defense systems to protect human lives and energy infrastructure,” the president emphasized. Kamyshin reported on the current pace of production of drones and electronic warfare equipment and providing them to the front, as well as electronic warfare equipment to cover important objects.

18:00 The Kremlin has instructed the command of the Russian army to take Chasov Yar in the Donetsk region by May 9. Today, May 2, the head of the city’s military administration, Sergei Chaus, said that the Russians have come close and fighting is already taking place on the outskirts of the city. About whether the Russians will be able to fulfill the deadline to capture a settlement before May 9, as well as about scorched earth tactics, double assaults and battles on the outskirts - in the material Battles on the outskirts of Chasov Yar: will the city survive.

17:51 The number of children injured as a result of Russian strikes by KABs on Dergachi, Kharkov region, has increased to eight, said the head of the OBA Oleg Sinegubov.

17:36 The damage from Russian aggression in Ukraine reached about $500 billion, so the frozen assets of the Russian Federation will not cover all the needs for restoration, NBU head Andrey Pyshny said in an interview with We-Ukraine: “The amount of frozen assets is somewhere around $300 billion Today, Ukraine considers this as a source of covering the damage that this war has caused, is causing and, unfortunately, will most likely continue to cause. A quick assessment carried out by the World Bank as of the end of 2023 determined the amount of damage caused to be almost. 500 billion - this amount is not even enough to cover the damage caused. But we expect that this will be a source of appropriate funds that Ukraine will need both for resistance and for compensation."

16:59 The number of those wounded as a result of Russian strikes by KAB on Dergachi, Kharkov region, has increased to seven, of which six are children. All the victims were hospitalized, said Oleg Sinegubov, head of the OVA.

16:33 The Russians hit civilian infrastructure in Dergachi, Kharkov region - according to preliminary information, four children were injured, said Oleg Sinegubov, head of the OVA. The enemy also fired at the village today. Petropavlovka, Kupyansky district - one person was injured. Another person was wounded as a result of shelling in the village of Kupyansk-Uzlovoy.

16:27 Citizens who left at the beginning of the war are returning to Russia, which strengthens the military economy of the Russian Federation, writes Bloomberg. According to the publication's calculations, reverse migration likely gave Russia economic growth in 2023 of 0.7-1.2%. In general, half of those who left in 2022 have already returned to the country. In the first year of the invasion of Ukraine, about a million people left the Russian Federation abroad.

15:46 The Russians continue to storm Chasov Yar and neighboring settlements, there is a struggle for control of logistics routes, said Nazar Voloshin, spokesman for the Khortitsa military group. At the same time, he denied the information that the Russians allegedly broke through to the Seversky Donets - Donbass canal.

“The enemy has had no success. The enemy has been storming the city for a week now. The situation is controlled. The enemy continues to destroy Chasov Yar and neighboring settlements with both aviation and artillery. The occupiers are trying in every possible way to gain these commanding heights, on which Chasov Yar stands, in order to reach further fight for territory and further shell Konstantinovka, Druzhkovka, Slavyansk, Kramatorsk,” Voloshin noted.

15:09 Radio Liberty showed satellite images of the consequences of attacks on the military airfield in Dzhankoy on the night of April 30. The Planet Labs satellite recorded damage to Russian equipment at the airfield. So, judging by the photo, one of the S-300/S-400 installations was damaged by the attack, while the rest were redeployed from this territory.

14:35 There are 682 people left in Chasovoy Yar and in the entire Chasovoyar community of the Donetsk region, said the head of the city military administration, Sergei Chaus. According to him, military operations “are actually already taking place on the border of the city.”

14:04 Over the past 24 hours, May 1, the air defense of southern Ukraine destroyed a Kh-59/X-69 guided missile in the Nikolaev region, two Shahed-136/131 attack drones and a Russian reconnaissance UAV Orlan-10 in the Odessa region. On the morning of May 2, another Orlan-10 was destroyed in the Nikolaev region.

13:58 Macron, in an interview with The Economist, again did not rule out the possibility of sending the French military to Ukraine: “If the Russians had broken through the front line, if there had been a request from Ukraine - which is not the case today - we would legally have to ask ourselves this question.” He recalled that Paris had already sent military personnel to other countries, in particular to Africa, to fight terrorism.

According to the French leader, other Western countries should not reject this option “a priori”, since in the summer of 2022 they ruled out sending tanks, long-range missiles and aircraft, but now all this is being supplied to Ukraine.

13:22 During April, Russia used more than 300 missiles of various types, almost 300 suicide bombers and over 3,200 guided bombs against Ukraine, Zelensky said.

13:17 On May 1, photos and videos of a Ukrainian Armed Forces missile attack on a Russian Army training ground between the villages of Rogovo and Kuban, Novopskovsky district, Lugansk region, about 100 km from Kupyansk, appeared on Russian and Ukrainian Telegram channels. The strike was likely carried out by ATACMS ballistic missiles with cluster warheads. What is known about the losses of Russians is in the material ATACMS strike on the Russian training ground.

12:41 The Swiss government said that Russia is not invited “at this stage” to the summit, which will take place in mid-June, but “Switzerland is convinced that Russia should be involved in this process - a peace process without Russia is impossible.”

12:36 The Russians managed to break through and gain a foothold in Ocheretino in the Pokrovsky district of the Donetsk region, but the part where the enemy has gained a foothold is under the fire control of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the fighting continues, said Nazar Voloshin, spokesman for the Khortitsa group of troops, in a commentary to Interfax-Ukraine. At the same time, he assured that the situation is under the control of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, and additional reserve forces and means have been introduced to stabilize the situation and return Ocheretino.

Voloshin also said that the Defense Forces managed to improve the tactical situation in the Serebryansky forestry area in the Limansky direction, while at the same time, the enemy has recently become more active in the Kupyansky direction.

12:07 The Associated Press showed what the destroyed city of Chasov Yar in the Donetsk region looks like, which Russian troops are trying to capture. In the city, which was once home to 12 thousand people, not a single intact building remains.

11:54 In Odessa, as a result of a night strike, not only the depot and department of the New Post were destroyed, but also 15.5 tons of goods - equipment, clothing, medicines, toys, etc. The depot and department together had 904 items worth almost 3 million hryvnia, the company reported. In addition, the strike destroyed the warehouse of the Agromarket store, which sells plants.

11:29 The Office of the President officially announced the holding of the first Peace Summit for Ukraine on June 15-16. The venue is Bürgenstock, located near the Swiss city of Lucerne. “The summit will be a platform for dialogue on ways to achieve a comprehensive, just and lasting peace for Ukraine in accordance with the UN Charter and international law. Respect for these principles was demonstrated by all those invited to participate in the event. The summit is dedicated to developing a framework for achieving this goal in order to stimulate the future peace process ", the message says. Heads of state and government from all continents are invited and expected to participate.

11:15 Hourly outage schedules in Kharkov and the Kharkov region today will be increased from three to five hours - this is due to emergency restoration work in the United Energy System of Ukraine, regional energy companies reported. They also warned that due to repair work, power outages could be longer than announced.

10:56 Since December 2023, the Russian military has likely executed at least 15 Ukrainian fighters attempting to surrender, and possibly six more who have surrendered or have already surrendered, Human Rights Watch has found. Human rights activists have called for these cases to be investigated as war crimes.

10:24 Kuleba said in an interview with Foreign Policy that there is no point in inviting Russia to a peace summit in Switzerland, but negotiations can take place after it: “There is no point in keeping Russia at the negotiating table if you cannot guarantee that it is acting in good faith. There is only two ways to bring Russia to a situation where it will act in good faith. The first is success on the battlefield, and the second is the presence of a coalition of countries that share the same principles and the same approaches. That is why Russia is not expected to participate in the summit. "of this summit - to unite countries that share the principles and approaches on which they will build further actions. After this, communication with Russia can take place, and Russia will be able to take part in the negotiations."

09:58 Russian strikes damaged half of Ukraine's energy capacity, Kuleba said in an interview with Foreign Policy: "Half of our energy system is damaged, and we still have to govern the country, conduct military operations and gather support from the whole world." According to the minister, Russian ballistic missiles are “the real scourge of this war.” Recently, they have been used mainly to destroy the Ukrainian energy system, the head of the Foreign Ministry added.

09:29 In the Donetsk region over the past 24 hours, four people were killed as a result of Russian shelling - two in Gornyak, one each in Kalinovo and Krasnohorivka. Eight more people in the region were injured, said the head of the OVA, Vadim Filashkin.

09:25 The number of victims as a result of yesterday's Russian attack on the village of Zolochev, Bogodukhovsky district, Kharkov region, increased to 13, two people died, said the head of the OVA Oleg Sinegubov. Administrative premises and the Sberbank building were damaged, and a private house was destroyed. In addition, one person was killed as a result of shelling. Liptsy, Kharkov district, another one - in the village. Lelyukovka, Kupyansky district, and one person was injured in the town of Borovaya, Izyumsky district.

09:18 Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the UN Sergei Kislitsa hinted at the destruction of the Crimean Bridge. On social network X, he published a “list of six main types of bridges for 2024”: arch bridges, cantilever bridges, cable-stayed bridges, suspension bridges, linked arch bridges, Kerch bridges. And if on five of them he published a picture depicting the corresponding type of bridge, then the picture with the inscription “Kerch Bridges” is empty.

09:11 The Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense received evidence of the use of kamikaze drones by the Russians over the nuclear reactors of the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant. Intelligence releases video from an enemy FPV drone obtained through electronic intelligence. It bears the marking UT4D.TT, indicating that the drone was supplied by the Russian Ministry of Defense.

The flight path of the Russian kamikaze drone runs over the power units of the Zaporizhia NPP towards the Ukrainian-controlled Nikopol and Marganets communities of the Dnepropetrovsk region, which are constantly attacked by the enemy. The representative of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Moscow Region, Andrei Chernyak, said that the Russians are using the territory of the Zaporizhia NPP to launch drones, taking advantage of the fact that the Defense Forces cannot retaliate in a one and a half kilometer zone around the plant. Thus, the Russian military equipped launch pads for their UAVs right next to the sixth reactor of the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant. In addition, since the summer of 2023, the Russians began to use the territory of the seized nuclear power plant to train FPV drone pilots.

08:43 The General Staff announced the estimated losses of the Russian Federation as of the morning of May 2:

  • personnel - about 470,870 (+1030) people,

  • tanks - 7332 (+20),

  • armored combat vehicles - 14,096 (+29),

  • artillery systems - 12,044 (+20),

  • MLRS - 1053 (+0),

  • air defense systems - 784 (+4),

  • aircraft - 348 (+0),

  • helicopters - 325 (+0),

  • UAV of operational-tactical level - 9561 (+23),

  • cruise missiles - 2126 (+0),

  • ships/boats - 26 (+0),

  • submarines - 1 (+0),

  • automotive equipment and tank trucks - 16,224 (+49),

  • special equipment - 1988 (+8).

08:17 Over the past 24 hours, 121 military clashes took place at the front, the General Staff reported in its morning report. In particular, the Defense Forces repelled 39 attacks in the Avdeevsky direction - in the areas of the settlements of Kalinovo, Arkhangelskoye, Progress, Ocheretino, Sokol, Solovyevo, Novopokrovskoye, Semenovka, Umanskoye, Yasnobrodovka, Netaylovo, Pervomaiskoye, Donetsk region. In the Novopavlovsk direction, the enemy tried 22 times to break through the defenses of Ukrainian troops in the areas of Krasnohorivka, Georgievka, Novomikhailovka, Vodyanoye and Urozhainy, Donetsk region.

In the Bakhmut direction, 20 attacks were repelled in the areas of Belogorovka, Lugansk region, as well as Verkhnekamensky, Sporny, Novy Donetsk regions; in Limansky - 14 attacks in the areas of Grekovka, Novoegorovka, Nevsky and Serebryansky forestry in the Lugansk region, as well as Ternov in the Donetsk region; in Kupyansky - 14 attacks in the areas of Petropavlovka, Ivanovka, Kislovka, Kotlyarivka, Berestovoy, Kopanok of the Kharkov region and Stelmakhovka of the Lugansk region; on Orekhovsky - two attacks in the districts of Staromayorsky, Donetsk region and Rabotino, Zaporozhye region; on Kherson - nine attacks on the left bank of the Dnieper.

07:32 The Russian Ministry of Defense announced the destruction and interception of 12 drones overnight, of which five were over the territory of the Bryansk region, one over the Kursk region, one over the Belgorod region, two over the Rostov region and three over the territory of the Krasnodar region. According to local authorities, as a result of a UAV attack in the Kursk region, power lines were damaged and there was no electricity in the village of Ponyri. In the Oryol region, the energy infrastructure was damaged; in the Glazunovsky and Sverdlovsk regions, the power supply was partially disrupted. Russian public pages also write about a drone attack on the village of Afipsky in the Krasnodar Territory - the Afipsky Oil Refinery is located 3 km from it.

01:48 The number of victims as a result of the Russian missile attack on Odessa has increased to 14, said the head of the OBA Oleg Kiper. Civil infrastructure was damaged, including postal warehouses. Firefighting continues. There are broken windows in the surrounding houses. Nova Poshta reported that as a result of the fire, about 900 parcels that were in the department’s warehouse were destroyed. The company promised to compensate the declared cost of shipments.

Posted by:badanov
