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Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Ukrainian General Staff on the hottest direction at the front
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited
[Korrespondent] In the Avdeevsky direction, the Ukrainian military repelled 31 attacks by Russian invaders, in Bakhmutsky - 19.

Over the past 24 hours, 106 military clashes have been recorded, with Russian troops attacking in seven directions. The General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces announced this in an evening report on Thursday, May 2.

In total, Russian troops carried out two missile and 58 air strikes, and carried out 89 attacks from multiple launch rocket systems on positions of Ukrainian troops and populated areas.

In the Kupyansk direction, soldiers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces repelled nine attacks in the areas of the settlements of Sinkovka, Novoegorovka, Kislovka, Berestovo in the Kharkov region; Stelmakhovka, Lugansk region.

In the Limansky direction, the Defense Forces repelled 12 attacks in the Grekovka, Nevsky and Serebryansky forestry areas of the Lugansk region; settlements Terny, Yampolevka, Torskoye, Donetsk region.

In the Bakhmut direction, soldiers repelled 19 attacks in the areas of Belogorovka settlements, Lugansk region; Verkhnekamennoye, Razdolevka, Vyemka, Spornoye, Novy, Klishchievka and Ivanovskoye in the Donetsk region, where the enemy, with the support of aviation, tried to improve the tactical situation.

In the Avdeevsky direction, 31 attacks were repelled in the areas of the settlements of Arkhangelskoye, Sokol, Semenovka, Umanskoye, Kalinovoe, Yasnobrodovka, Netaylovo and Pervomaiskoye in the Donetsk region, where the enemy tried to oust Ukrainian Armed Forces units from their occupied lines.

In the Novopavlovsk direction, the Defense Forces continue to contain the enemy in the areas of the settlements of Konstantinovka and Urozhaynoye, Donetsk region, where the Russians, with the support of aviation, tried to break through the defense 13 times.

In the Orekhovsky direction, the enemy made one attack on the positions of Ukrainian defenders in the Robotinoye area of ​​the Zaporozhye region.

In the Kherson direction, the occupiers do not abandon their intention to oust units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces from their bridgeheads on the left bank of the Dnieper. Thus, within 24 hours, three unsuccessful attacks were carried out on the positions of Ukrainian troops in the area of ​​​​the village of Krynki, Kherson region.

During the day, Defense Forces aircraft carried out strikes on nine areas where personnel were concentrated and on an enemy anti-aircraft missile system. Units of the missile forces hit two ammunition depots, an artillery system and an enemy anti-aircraft missile system.

Let us remind you that over the past 24 hours, the Ukrainian Armed Forces liquidated 1,030 occupiers. Since the start of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the Russian army has lost 470,870 soldiers.

Posted by:badanov
