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Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Current information on the situation on the front line: May 2 (updated)
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[NewsFront] 23:59 Official summary of the DPR Representative Office in the JCCC from 00:00 05/02/2024 to 00:00 05/03/2024.

A toyal of 29 facts of armed attacks by the UFU were recorded by the DPR Representative Office in the JCCC over the past 24 hours.
There were no reports of civilian casualties.

Two cars.
Three residential buildings.
One civil infrastructure facility.

A total of 12 artillery attacks in the Donetsk direction.
A total of 17 artillery attacks in the Gorlovka direction.
A total of 86 units of various ammunition were fired.

21:50 Sumy region

A new series of strikes by the Russian Aerospace Forces. Tactical aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forcesrevealsenemy positions for high-precision strikes.

20:51 Statements by representatives of the “West”, “South”, “Center”, “East” and “Dnepr” groups on the progress of the special military operation (as of May 2, 2024) –video.

19:43 Telegram channel “Fisherman":

Vrem'yevsky direction: the offensive of the Russian Armed Forces on Urozhaynoye.

Over the past months, Russian troops have been trying to regain the initiative in the Urozhaynoe-Staromayorskoye sector. Last week, massive strikes were carried out on the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, which provided the Russian Armed Forces with the opportunity to make a leap forward.

Assault groups of the Russian Armed Forces advanced several hundred meters, occupying the territory of a former farm and hangars for agricultural machinery in Urozhainy. The village was lost last summer during the counter-offensive of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

According to the latest data, Russian troops have gained a foothold on the southern outskirts of the village. Artillery and aviation operate in its central and northern parts, suppressing enemy firing points and strongholds. All that remains of the settlements themselves are their names. Most of the buildings were destroyed by regular attacks.

The assault on the farm territory is important due to its location on a small hill: the rest of Urozhaynoye (as well as Staromayorskoye) are located in a lowland near the river. But relying on the occupied positions, it will be possible to develop success in the direction of heights and landings to the east, which will make it possible to align the front along the Urozhaynoye - Novodonetskoye line.

18:20 Special military operation. Situation on May 2 –map.

17:41 Kherson direction.

Reported, that this afternoon the aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces worked on identified enemy positions on the right bank.

Our UVAB-250 and UVAB-500 smashed enemy fortified positions to pieces.

16:32 Krivoy Rog. Explosion.

Single powerful explosion thundered at a military industrial enterprise in the suburbs of Krivoy Rog. The strike was carried out by our Iskander OTRK missile. Local public pages write about a bright flash.

15:22 Around 14.50 Moscow time suppressed another attempt by the Kyiv regime to carry out a terrorist attack using aircraft-type UAVs against targets on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Duty air defense systems destroyed a Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicle over the territory of the Belgorod region.

14:24 Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reported on the liberation of the village of Berdychi. The clearing of the village has been completed.

13:10 Opponent acknowledges the loss of the southern outskirts of Urozhainy (Vrem'evsky ledge), where Russian attack aircraft had already gained a foothold, as well as half of Arkhangelsk (Ocheretinsky breakthrough).

The enemy tried to counterattack in Arkhangelsk in order to stabilize the situation, but the enemy counterattack was successfully repulsed.

12:22 According to Arkhangelsk. RF Armed Forces advanced approximately to the center of the village. The enemy still remains in the northern and northwestern parts of Arkhangelsk. The main line of defense is already west of Arkhangelsk. The transition of the village to the control of the RF Armed Forces took a relatively short time.

12:05 Information is received from Arkhangelsk about the alignment of the flanks from the Keramik side. They took the so-called pocket.

11:51 Su-25 attack aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forcesripped offrotation of enemy units and destroyed hangars with Ukrainian Armed Forces equipment in the area of responsibility of the Vostok group of troops. The strike was carried out by unguided aircraft missiles at given coordinates.

11:28 Situation on Chasov Yar:

The 98th Airborne Division of the Airborne Forces managed to push through the defenses south of the “Canal” microdistrict and reach the “Seversky Donets-Donbass” canal. The forest south of the railway is completely controlled by paratroopers.

Paratroopers are enveloping the eastern microdistrict from the south, while the Deciduous Forest north of the railway is in the gray zone where enemy forces are actively working, and to the south the forest is under the control of paratroopers.

10:40 Summary on the morning of May 2, 2024

In the first half of the night, the Russian Armed Forces launched missile attacks on targets in Odessa and Kharkov. As a result of the strike on the target in Odessa, a powerful fire broke out, the enemy announced the defeat of the sorting depot of the New Post, which is used to solve the logistics problems of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Russian regions repelled a raid by enemy UAVs. In the Smolensk region, the governor reported an attack on a civilian energy infrastructure facility. In the Rostov region, in the area of ??Novoshakhtinsk and Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, two UAVs were destroyed. In the Bryansk region, three drones were destroyed over the Starodubsky municipal district and the Pogarsky district. In the Oryol region, in the Glazunovsky and Sverdlovsk districts, energy infrastructure facilities were damaged. In the Kursk region, a Ukrainian UAV was shot down over the Oboyansky district, and power lines were damaged in the village of Ponyri.

There are no changes in the Kherson direction. The enemy is increasing attacks with cluster artillery munitions in the Krynok area and is actively using drones along the entire front. It sets fire to forest areas on our coast with incendiary ammunition.

On the Zaporozhye Front, despite statements from a number of respected sources and military reports about the capture of Rabotino, heavy fighting continues for the populated area. The Ministry of Defense also did not report the liberation of the village. There are battles going on northwest of Verbovoy, the enemy is actively mining the area, slowing down the advance of our troops.

In the Vrem'evsky direction they report the advance of the Russian Armed Forces in the Urozhainy area. Our advanced units are consolidating in the southern part of the village. FAB and UMPC strikes are carried out on the enemy rear in the Makarovka area.

Despite the battles west of Novomikhailovka in the South Donetsk direction, our information about the occupation of Paraskovievka by the Russian Armed Forces so far also turned out to be hasty. In the morning, during a clash on the approaches, our units failed to advance and gain a foothold. The enemy is defending himself with FPV drones. In Krasnogorovka, fighting continues in the central part of the village near the fireproof plant.

In the south of the Pokrovsky direction, the Russian Armed Forces are advancing to Netailovo and cutting off the front bulge along the Pervomaiskoye-Nevelskoye line. On the Ocheretinsky ledge yesterday, the Russian Armed Forces rushed into Arkhangelskoye, the zone of control at Solovyevo and to the north-west of Ocheretino is expanding.

In the direction to Chasov Yar, the eastern microdistrict is being covered from the south, the Russian Armed Forces have reached the Seversky Donets - Donbass water channel.

Artillery attack of the Belgorod region continues. The village of Krasnoye, Shebekinsky urban district, the village of Yasnye Zori, Belgorod district, and the village of Voznesenovka, Shebekinsky urban district, were attacked by the Ukrainian Armed Forces using kamikaze drones. The village of Stary Khutor, Valuysky urban district, came under fire from the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

In the Kursk region, Elizavetovka in the Glushkovsky district, the Krupets checkpoint and Kozino in the Rylsky district were shelled. None of the residents were injured. During the day, drones were neutralized by electronic warfare equipment near the villages of Gordeevka, Korenevsky district, Gornal, Sudzhansky district, Begoshcha and the village of Staraya Nikolaevka, Rylsky district. Several more UAVs were destroyed in Tyotkino.

The enemy fired 131 rounds of ammunition at the civilian population of the DPR; a civilian was wounded in Gorlovka.

09:45 Criminal Kyiv regime continues to fire at the civilian infrastructure of settlements on the left bank of the Kherson region, yesterday during the day the Ukrainian Armed Forces fired from cannon artillery:

-- n.p. Novaya Kakhovka seven rounds;

-- to n.p. Chulakovka four rounds;

-- n.p. Prince-Grigoryevka three rounds;

-- n.p. Alyosha five rounds;

-- n.p. Kakhovka four rounds.

During the night, the Kiev regime continued to shell civilian infrastructure in the village. Proletarka, n.p. Novaya Mayachka, n.p. Korsunka, n.p. Aleshki, n.p. Kakhovka firing a total of 17 rounds from cannon artillery.

Civilian casualties and destruction of infrastructure are being determined.

09:26 Telegram channel “WarGonzo":

Frontline report for the morning 05/02/2024

- Zaporozhye Front. In Rabotino, the Armed Forces of Ukraine abandoned some of their positions, retreating to more advantageous positions for defense, since, apparently, it is becoming simply impossible to remain in a village that has been completely razed to the ground. For the same reason, part of Rabotino is a gray area. There is virtually nowhere for our troops to gain a foothold there. In any case, even though Ukrainian troops are retreating further north, it is too early to talk about complete control over the populated area.

– Donetsk front. Encounter fighting continues in Netailovo and in the Umansky area. No significant progress. In the area of ??Semyonovka and Berdychi, the Russian Armed Forces continue to gradually move west. In the Solovyovo area, Russian troops are developing an offensive in the direction of the village of Sokol.

Also, the Russian Armed Forces were able to level the northern flank, cutting off part of the pocket that formed between Solovyovo and Ocheretino. In the area of ??this settlement there are also advances to the northwest towards Novoaleksandrovka and to the northeast, where Russian troops were able to fight and gain a foothold on the territory of Arkhangelsk. In the same direction, the Russian Armed Forces are trying to develop an offensive from Novokalinovo and Keramika.

– Chasovoyarsk direction. The destruction of positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces continues through strikes using long-range weapons. On the eastern outskirts, oncoming battles continue, without much progress. But from the southern flank of the Kanal microdistrict, Russian troops managed to expand the zone of control. If we take into account the parallel advance from Bogdanovka, it turns out that the eastern outskirts of Chasov Yar will soon risk ending up in “Kleschi”. Ukrainian troops continue to transfer reserves to this section of the front.

08:46 During last night suppressed another attempt by the Kyiv regime to carry out a series of terrorist attacks using aircraft-type UAVs against targets on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Duty air defense systems destroyed and intercepted 12 Ukrainian UAVs, of which: five over the territory of the Bryansk region, one over the territory of the Kursk region, one over the territory of the Belgorod region, two over the territory of the Rostov region and three over the territory of the Krasnodar region.

08:02 Official summary Representative offices of the DPR in the JCCC

A total 36 facts of armed attacks by the Ukrainian Armed Forces were recorded by the DPR representative office in the JCCC.

Information was received about a civilian being injured.


Three residential buildings,

One car destroyed

One civil infrastructure facility.

Five attacks from the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Donetsk direction.

A total 31 attacks from the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Gorlovka direction.

In total, the Ukrainian Armed Forces fired 131 units of various ammunition.

Posted by:badanov
