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Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Zakharova: London must be prepared for Kyiv to strike Britain with its own weapons
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[Regnum] The official representative of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Maria Zakharova, called on London to prepare for the fact that the Kiev regime, like terrorists, will strike with British weapons on the territory of the United Kingdom. She wrote about this in her Telegram channel.

Thus, she commented on the material published by Reuters, according to which British Foreign Minister David Cameron, during a visit to Kiev, said that Ukraine allegedly has the right to strike the territory of the Russian Federation with British weapons.

“London must prepare for the fact that the Kiev regime will carry out strikes with British weapons on British territory in the same way, as the terrorists of Al-Qaeda (a terrorist organization whose activities are prohibited in the Russian Federation) did in their time,” the diplomat pointed out.
Makes sense. Nonsense
Two hours after Cameron's words were published, Reuters retracted the article, citing the need to reconsider some of the details presented in the material. As Zakharova pointed out, the British politician’s statement disseminated by the media caused a resonance that prompted London to “sacrifice Reuters.”

As Regnum reported, earlier Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov said that Washington’s decision to transfer long-range ATACMS missiles to Ukraine cannot be justified, since the Kiev regime violated cynical promises about not using missiles to strike Russian territory. At the beginning of the year, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the need to expand the demilitarized zone in Ukraine in order to ensure the safety of peaceful cities from shelling. The head of state emphasized that the width of the buffer zone depends on the types of weapons provided to Kyiv by Western allies.

Posted by:badanov

#3  Ah'm kinda thinkin that reactor facility will implode and toxify a 600 mile radius.
Posted by: Skidmark   2024-05-03 22:12  

#2  Oh, yes, when the endgame comes, Ukraine will lash out in all directions.
Posted by: M. Murcek   2024-05-03 09:53  

#1  Putin IS behind GPS attacks on passenger flights over Europe: Baltic states and aviation experts pinpoint 'black hole' caused by secret electronic weapon
Posted by: Skidmark   2024-05-03 09:28  
