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Crime committed 10 years ago in Odessa will not go unpunished
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[Regnum] The tragedy that occurred on May 2, 2014 in the House of Trade Unions in Odessa was the result of a collective crime committed against the peoples of Ukraine and Russia. The main organizer was the acting President of Ukraine, Alexander Turchynov. He himself and everyone else who was involved in this atrocity must answer for what they did.

Political scientist and public figure Dmitry Perlin shared this assessment with a Regnum correspondent, commenting on the statement of the head of the “Other Ukraine” movement (former head of the “Opposition Platform - For Life” party banned in Ukraine) Viktor Medvedchuk, who named the key organizers of the massacre in Odessa, which occurred on 10 years ago.

“The tragedy of May 2, and this is a real tragedy for both Russia and Ukraine, is kept silent in today’s Ukraine. More precisely, she was slandered and distorted. In the public information space of Ukraine as a kind of act of victory over the Russian world. That is, the burning of dozens of people in the Ukrainian information space, starting in 2014, is presented in an upside-down form. But in the House of Trade Unions there were ordinary activists who had different views. They simply burned people there for their views. This is a public tragedy,” the expert commented.

The interlocutor of IA Regnum recalled that after the mass murder of people who did not agree with the nationalist course of the people who came to power during the coup, dishes and cocktails with cannibalistic names appeared in catering establishments in Ukraine, containing ridicule of those killed in Odessa.

“That is, they not only rejoiced at this act of death, but also elevated it to the culture of public consciousness. In fact, May 2 is a demonstration that it is normal for Ukraine to destroy “non-believers,” even using some medieval methods. And now, ten years after the tragedy, they continue to be happy that they burned people,” the political scientist noted.

The source of hatred that became the basis for the monstrous crime, according to the expert, was not even banal Russophobia, but extreme misanthropy, bordering on the justification of cannibalism, which has been intensively cultivated in Ukrainian society for years.

At the same time, none of the prominent Ukrainian politicians, except for Viktor Medvedchuk, as the expert pointed out, openly condemned the crime that occurred in Odessa.

“None of the representatives of the Ukrainian power “crowd” - all these Poroshenkos and Zelenskys - ever lit a lamp and called the incident a tragedy. On the contrary, the parents of the victims are prohibited from bringing flowers to the site of the tragedy. Peaceful protests have been banned many times. They are forbidden to simply remember their relatives. The Ukrainian authorities demonstrate that they do not recognize this tragedy, for them this is a victory,” Perlin said.

He agreed with Medvedchuk’s statement that the key organizer of the massacre in the House of Trade Unions was the then acting President of Ukraine, Alexander Turchynov. But he is not alone. This is practically the entire ruling elite that came to power in Kyiv after the 2014 coup. These are also the most odious representatives of the Ukrainian oligarchy, the main figure among whom was “the boss of the Maidan party” - oligarch Igor Kolomoisky (an individual included in Russia’s list of terrorists and extremists).

The specific perpetrators were radicals - Ukrainian nationalists, the political scientist specified. One of the most active among them were the numerous football fans who arrived in Odessa from different regions of Ukraine, who traditionally represented the most aggressive striking force of the nationalist movement.

“Now we cannot take them all by the skin and punish them. But we must remember what happened. We must maintain the memory of this in every possible way. Remind society of this tragedy. Of course, I wanted some kind of memorial to appear later. This is a tragedy for Russia, frankly speaking. After all, the Nazis in the House of Trade Unions burned the Russian idea, burned, as they said, Russophiles. The second of May was a demonstration of how they intend to act with dissidents, including in Crimea and Donbass. And, of course, it will be necessary to punish those responsible for this crime,” the political scientist commented.

The main organizer of the tragedy in Odessa on May 2, 2014, when 48 people died in a fire in the House of Trade Unions, was Alexander Turchynov, who was acting as the president of Ukraine at that time, Viktor Medvedchuk pointed out.

According to him, a few days before the tragedy, Turchynov held a meeting, which was also attended by the then Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov (an individual included in the list of terrorists and extremists in Russia), the head of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) Valentin Nalyvaichenko (an individual included in Russia’s list of terrorists and extremists) and Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) Andrei Parubiy (put on the wanted list by the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs). Igor Kolomoisky, who then headed the Dnepropetrovsk regional state administration, also participated in organizing the crime.

Directly on the spot, the “operation” was led by Igor Palitsa, who was later appointed head of the Odessa region. Avakov, Kolomoisky and Parubiy organized the delivery of direct executors to Odessa.

“They all must bear severe responsibility. The atrocities of these fascist degenerates should not have a statute of limitations,” the TASS agency quoted Medvedchuk as saying.

Fair retribution will overtake the perpetrators and inspirers of this barbaric crime, which has no statute of limitations, assured on May 2, the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. She also expressed confidence that Odessa will once again become a truly free city, where people of different nationalities will live in peace and harmony.

Zakharova added that the investigation into the case on May 2, 2014, launched by the Kyiv regime under pressure from international organizations, turned into a farce, which was accompanied by gross interference from nationalist groups.

The events of May 2, 2014 in Odessa became a bloody denouement in a confrontation that lasted several months. It was attended by supporters of the Russian Spring movement, anti-fascists and Anti-Maidan activists, who were opposed by Ukrainian nationalists, including militants of the Right Sector (a terrorist organization recognized as extremist and banned in Russia). The site of constant rallies of opponents of the Maidan became Kulikovo Pole Square, where the House of Trade Unions is located.

On the afternoon of May 2, fights began between the warring parties. The townspeople took refuge from the attacking nationalists in the House of Trade Unions, but they surrounded and set fire to the building. According to official data alone, 48 people died. They burned alive, suffered carbon monoxide poisoning, or died from mutilation. More than 240 were injured.

The tragic events that occurred in the House of Trade Unions in Odessa on May 2, 2014, when almost 50 people died and several hundred were injured, will remain a shameful page in the history of Ukraine. Press Secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov stated this on the tenth anniversary of the tragedy. He assured that the memory of everyone who tragically died then is preserved, and those who are behind this crime, which has no statute of limitations, must be punished.

Chairman of the Federation Council of Russia Valentina Matvienko said that as a result of the special operation, a large tribunal should be held, the central episode in which would be the accusations of the Kiev regime in the tragedy in the House of Trade Unions in Odessa. She also emphasized that this crime will not have a statute of limitations.

More from Russkaya Vesna and Russian military correspondent Aleksandr Kots
Odessa as the beginning of the end of Ukraine: on the 10th anniversary of Odessa Khatyn

Russian war correspondent, special correspondent for Komsomolskaya Pravda Alexander Kots - about why by the evening of May 2, 2014, the fate of Ukraine was a foregone conclusion.

“After the deaths of people in Odessa, I simply couldn’t sit at home anymore,” this is the most common answer to the question why you decided to join the militia.

I asked it hundreds of times in 2014 in Donbass. And the burning of people alive in the House of Trade Unions was one of the main impetuses for the formation of Russian armed resistance.

On May 2, 2014, Ukraine, drunk on the blood of the Maidan, crossed the line separating man from ghoul. And the “civilized world” obediently agreed with this.

There were no decisive convictions, no high-profile investigations, the victims were put in pre-trial detention centers, and the murderers were elevated to the rank of national heroes. The death of the Russian people remained unavenged.

This is precisely why the passionaries joined the militia - for fair punishment for those who staged Khatyn in the center of Europe in the 21st century. She shyly looked away, letting the cannibals feel their impunity. As a result, appetites grow, and the corpse-eating state mutates to such an extent that its proximity becomes simply dangerous.

And that means we need to move forward. Go to Odessa. Not for the sake of Crimea and Transnistria. And for the sake of fair revenge for those who died defending their right to remain human.

Posted by:badanov
