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Fifth Column
Megan Kelly covers press conference with Columbia's Johannah King-Slutzky
whole thing was amusing but my fav part was about 5 minutes into the video where J K-S wants pizza without cheese or tomato sauce
[MEGYNKELLY] Megyn is joined by the hosts of The Fifth Column – Kmele Foster, Michael Moynihan, and Matt Welch – to discuss the irony of Ivy League students demanding food and water and pretending they’re in need of “humanitarian aid,” their high-maintenance requests, the ridiculous character that is Columbia University protest leader Johannah King-Slutsky, and more.
Posted by:Lord Garth

#2  I believe heavily garlic par boiled brussell sprouts meet the menu request. Meal after meal, day after day.
Posted by: swksvolFF   2024-05-03 18:07  

#1  I can but quote the comment I saw earlier on X.

'I haven't been this disappointed in a Slutzky since Caroline Ellison.'
Posted by: Cesare   2024-05-03 13:33  
