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Why is the US shielding Israel from the International Criminal Court?
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
by Gevorg Mirzayan
Why is Russia helping Iran wage war against Israel?
[REGNUM] Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has again turned to the United States for help. This time he does not need a weapon, but protection. And not from an Iranian strike or the actions of the Houthis, but from the International Criminal Court (ICC).

“House Speaker Mike Johnson demanded that the International Criminal Court stop its “abomination.” Did you think this was a belated reaction to the discovery of 160 Ukrainian children alive and well in Germany with their guardians? Those same children for whose genocide the ICC accused the Russian President and Children's Rights Commissioner Lvova-Belova? No, you shouldn’t have thought that,” says IA Regnum editor-in-chief Marina Akhmedova.
Posted by:badanov

#8  Declare the ICC a terrorist organization and that any actions on their part invite personal full kinetic retaliation.
Posted by: Silentbrick   2024-05-03 21:36  

#7  ^Anybody who needs an excuse.
Posted by: Grom the Reflective   2024-05-03 13:59  

#6  Who the hell believes the ICC has any legitimacy?
Posted by: mossomo   2024-05-03 13:45  

#5  What is because the ICC is corrupt, Alec?
Posted by: Super Hose   2024-05-03 11:58  

#4  ^Against people on their own side? Heroes of the revolution?
Posted by: Grom the Reflective   2024-05-03 11:44  

#3  Why is the ICC not issuing arrest warrants for Hamas leaders?
Posted by: Deacon+Blues   2024-05-03 11:41  

#2  ICC prosecutor in veiled warning to Netanyahu: Stop intimidation tactics

One day Karim Khan will wake up to discover that his numbered Swiss accounts were emptied.
Posted by: Grom the Reflective   2024-05-03 11:15  

#1  Turkish President Recep Erdogan’s statement that Netanyahu is the new Hitler is met with understanding in many countries.

Your ancestors are turning in their graves, Mirzayan (Armenian name).
Posted by: Grom the Reflective   2024-05-03 00:52  
