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-Great Cultural Revolution
TRAGEDY: AOC Announces She Was Killed During NYPD Raid At Columbia And Is Dead Again
[Bee] NEW YORK — Congressional Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was tragically killed Tuesday night during a police raid at Columbia University in which hundreds of pro-Palestinian protesters were arrested.

"They came at me with tear gas and racism," Ocasio-Cortez told reporters. "I am now literally dead."

According to sources, Ocasio-Cortez was in Washington, D.C. at the time.

"They kept shouting, 'Where is she!? Where is she!? I need to kill her with guns!'" she continued. "I hid under a table, but wood can't protect you from the Jew police state."

Experts confirm that if Israel were not trying to defend itself from attacks from Hamas, protestors would never have taken over Columbia University, the police would never have raided the campus, and Ocasio-Cortez would still be alive. The New York representative is now reportedly seeing a psychotherapist to help her cope with her own death.

Ocasio-Cortez is survived by her fiancé Riley Roberts and a French bulldog named Deco.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 04/23/2024 AOC Praises ‘Peaceful' Anti-Israel Protesters Causing Chaos On Ivy League Campuses
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 04/07/2024 Pelosi joins call for Biden to stop transfer of US weapons to Israel
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 04/07/2024 The ‘improbable friend’: For true progressives, Israel is an exemplar, says Ritchie Torres

Columbia University: 2024-05-02 Liveblog: Flashbangs, tear gas deployed as police move to break up UCLA anti-Israel mob's encampment, more than 130 arrested
Columbia University: 2024-05-02 Who's really behind the campus protests? Expensive tents, giant banners and adult agitators who have nothing to do with the schools where they're causing anarchy make expert think the uproar in America is a 'professional job'
Columbia University: 2024-05-02 Wife of convicted terrorist Sami Al-Arian was hanging out at Columbia encampment before dramatic raid
Hamas: 2024-05-02 Good Morning
Hamas: 2024-05-02 Who's really behind the campus protests? Expensive tents, giant banners and adult agitators who have nothing to do with the schools where they're causing anarchy make expert think the uproar in America is a 'professional job'
Hamas: 2024-05-02 UK police officer charged with showing support for Hamas
Riley Roberts 09/14/2023 Is She or Isn't She?
Riley Roberts 02/18/2019 AOC And/Or Her Chief Of Staff May Have Committed A Major Ethics Violation

Posted by:Frank G

#3  The Onion has a incredibly pro Hamas post on this

WASHINGTON—As mounting campus protests and arrests over the Israel-Hamas war threatened his fragile electoral coalition, advisors to President Joe Biden assured him Friday that this would blow over once all Gazans were dead. “Just lie low, let a few thousand more bombs drop on densely populated areas, and you’re golden, Mr. President,” said senior communications advisor Anita Dunn, promising the depleted Biden that in a matter of months, there would hopefully be no one left to protest for in the besieged Palestinian territory. “I know things might seem bleak now, sir, but all you need to do is hold the course giving Israel billions in military aid, and this will most likely all be a distant memory by November. After that, it’s smooth sailing ahead. What are the activists going to be angry about then? A bunch of rubble and mass graves?” Dunn went on to stress that with any luck, there soon wouldn’t be any student protesters left alive, either.
Posted by: Lord Garth   2024-05-03 14:31  

#2  She is the parrot.
Posted by: Super Hose   2024-05-03 11:58  

#1  ...That headline is downright Pythonesque.

Posted by: MikeKozlowski   2024-05-03 06:30  
