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JP Morgan CEO slammed for saying consumers are in 'pretty good shape'
[Daily Mail, where America gets its news]
  • JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon claimed consumers are 'in pretty good shape'

  • He was branded 'out of touch' over comments to the Wall Street Journal

  • Inflation rose to 3.5 percent in March, well above the Fed's 2 percent target

Jamie Dimon 02/19/2024 HPSCI report concluded Russian government wanted Hillary Clinton, not Donald Trump, to win 2016 election and that CIA Director John Brennan had manipulated 2017 "Intelligence Community Assessment," or ICA,
Jamie Dimon 01/25/2024 Reid Hoffman Pulls Out Of Nikki Haley After New Hampshire Pounding
Jamie Dimon 05/16/2023 Google Co-Founder Larry Page Vanishes as Authorities Try to Subpoena Him in Jeffrey Epstein Investigation

Inflation: 2024-04-29 Mounting Evidence Is Pointing To A Nightmare Scenario For The US Economy
Inflation: 2024-04-28 The Massive UnitedHealth Hack Is Obamacare's Fault and That's No Lie
Inflation: 2024-04-18 Good Morning
Posted by:Skidmark

#1  Isn’t he an Epstein client? I think that should always be brought up about these clowns going forward.
Posted by: Super Hose   2024-05-03 12:01  
