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-Short Attention Span Theater-
Pint-sized hero sprints mile to save parents injured in tornado: ‘Please don't die'
[NYP] A brave 9-year-old caught in a furious tornado with his parents sprinted more than a mile away after disaster struck to help save their lives — telling the injured couple: "Please don’t die, I will be back.'"

Little Branson Baker and his parents were desperately trying to find shelter from the deadly tornadoes that swept through Oklahoma Saturday when they found themselves directly in a storm’s path.

Their car was lifted by the powerful winds and thrown into a patch of trees, crunching the pick-up truck into an unrecognizable mess and seriously injuring the front-row passengers.

Both Wayne and Lindy Baker suffered broken backs, necks and ribs. Wayne also broke his sternum and arm, as well as lost part of his finger, while Lindy’s jaw and right hand broke. She also suffered a punctured lung.

Somehow, their brave son crawled out of the mangled mess and ran more than a mile in the dark through downed power lines and debris to a neighbor’s house and brought help back to his family.
Posted by:Besoeker

#1  Cool story, Little Dude.
Posted by: Skidmark   2024-05-03 07:33  
