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-Lurid Crime Tales-
Boston Woman Will Not be Charged Over Four Dead Babies Found in Freezer
[Gateway] The Boston district attorney’s office has announced there will not be any charges filed over the four dead babies found in a woman’s freezer in 2022.

Suffolk District Attorney Kevin Hayden released the final investigative report regarding the babies, two boys and two girls, on April 30.

Police were sent to the former home of Alexis Aldamir, 69, in November 2022 after her brother called 9-1-1 to report that they had seen the dead babies while cleaning out the house.

The district attorney’s office explained, "In all, four babies were discovered that day. All were frozen solid. All were found in shoe boxes wrapped in tin foil. Two were male and two were female."

"All of the babies were full term, which means they were determined to be between 37 and 40 weeks of gestational age. All four had their umbilical cords attached and the two females had their placentas attached," the report continued. "DNA tests concluded that the babies were full siblings."

There is no test available to determine how long the babies were frozen. It also remains unknown if they were born alive.

"The autopsy found no signs of internal or external trauma and no evidence of obvious injuries. There were no signs of food, or milk, or formula inside the babies’ stomachs," the DA’s office explained.

The medical examiner ruled the cause of death for all the babies to be "undetermined."

Aldamir was located in a residential healthcare facility, and DNA testing confirmed that she was the mother.
Posted by:Besoeker

#11  Evidence disappear from the locker?
Posted by: swksvolFF   2024-05-03 15:43  

#10  Did they bury the kids or does she get to keep her collection?
Posted by: Super Hose   2024-05-03 12:54  

#9  DEI is awesome.
Posted by: mossomo   2024-05-03 12:42  

#8  Hayden is black, grew up in liberal Newton, lived in Roxbury with his father and describes himself as a "liberal prosecutor."

"As interim district attorney, Hayden increased the number of prosecutors assigned to the civil rights and hate crime unit due to an increase in high-visibility white-supremacist activity in the Boston area."

He's a pol, but he's not Irish.
Posted by: EMS Artifact   2024-05-03 10:39  

#7  The thing I don't understand (yet) - it's not like DA Hayden's a soft on crime Soros type; in fact he's one of the last old style Boston Irish pols, which I'll take over the last Suffolk County DA, Rachel Rollins.
Posted by: Raj   2024-05-03 09:27  

#6  Woman who fatally stabbed her lover 108 times in psychotic weed attack speaks out in first interview since AVOIDING jail as she reveals his aggression during SEX, wicked 'temper' - and makes shock claim: 'We are BOTH to blame'

"Spejcher was so uncontrollable with murderous rage that she couldn't even be restrained with a taser, and detectives had to beat her with batons until the bones in her arms broke."
Posted by: Skidmark   2024-05-03 09:10  

#5  Re: #2 Boston City Council calls for ceasefire 'in Israel and Palestine'

I'm all for a ceasefire in Palestine!

Wait!, where's Palestine located again?
Posted by: Seeking Cure For Ignorance   2024-05-03 08:06  

#4  ^My comment was along the lines: "It's Boston, what do you expect?"
Posted by: Grom the Reflective   2024-05-03 02:08  

#3  /\ The British-American approach, helping everyone else solve their problems.
Posted by: Besoeker   2024-05-03 02:07  

#2  Boston City Council calls for ceasefire 'in Israel and Palestine'
Posted by: Grom the Reflective   2024-05-03 02:02  

#1  The medical examiner ruled the cause of death for all the babies to be "undetermined."

Inoperative internal Emergency Release Handles? Planned Parenthood 'Distance Learning?"

Posted by: Besoeker   2024-05-03 01:18  
