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UN says Gaza reconstruction to cost $30-40 billion, damage on scale unseen since WWII
[IsraelTimes] United Nations Development Programme report estimates Palestinian economy has shrunk by 26.9% since Hamas’s October 7 massacre, UN assistant secretary-general Abdullah Al Dardari said. Dardari previously served as deputy prime minister under Syrian President Bashar Assad.
The article does not say anything about how this war’s reconstruction costs compare to the several wars Hamas started in the past two decades, but Mr. Al Dardari is greatly exercised nonetheless.
Posted by:trailing wife

#8  I hope no park. I mean, look at the "eye" sore in London.
Posted by: DooDahMan   2024-05-03 21:51  

#7  ^ Hamas is drooling for the RPG shots on the Ferris Wheel
Posted by: Frank G   2024-05-03 18:49  

#6  Seems too expensive--probably best to just turn it into a park.
Posted by: Crusader   2024-05-03 16:43  

#5  US temporarily suspends assembly of floating dock off Gaza and hands control to Israel
Posted by: Grom the Reflective   2024-05-03 15:28  

#4  The UN would want to administer the funds of course.

Cheaper to build a new city.
Billionaire backers of new California city seek voter approval after stealthily snapping up farmland
Posted by: Skidmark   2024-05-03 12:21  

#3  Most of which will be needed to rebuild all the tunnels...
Posted by: Glenmore   2024-05-03 10:46  

#1 US Defense Secretary says there was no indication Hamas planning attack on US troops
Posted by: Grom the Reflective 2024-05-03 01:51

"...But hey, the day's young."

Posted by: MikeKozlowski   2024-05-03 08:30  

#1  US Defense Secretary says there was no indication Hamas planning attack on US troops
Posted by: Grom the Reflective   2024-05-03 01:51  
