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The Grand Turk
Türkiye stops trade with Israel due to situation in Gaza Strip
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[Regnum] Türkiye has completely stopped all trade with Israel amid the ongoing military operation of the Israeli armed forces in the Gaza Strip. Bloomberg reported this on May 2,citing unnamed Turkish officials.
What, again? How boringly predictable they are.
“Turkey has stopped all trade with Israel since Thursday, exacerbating already heightened tensions between the once close allies since the start of the war in the Gaza Strip... The move expands restrictions imposed last month on some Turkish exports,” the agency’s interlocutor said.

As Bloomberg notes, citing data from the Turkish Statistical Institute, in 2023 the volume of trade between the countries amounted to $6.8 billion. Turkey's largest exports to Israel are iron and steel.

Information about the cessation of trade with Israel was officially confirmed by the press service of the Turkish Ministry of Trade. They emphasized that the decision to stop both exports and imports, carried out within the framework of measures taken at the state level, will remain in effect until Israel ensures uninterrupted and sufficient supplies of humanitarian aid to Palestinians in need in the Gaza Strip.

As Regnum reported, on April 9, the Turkish TV channel TRT Haber reported that the Turkish authorities have limited the export of goods to Israel. At the first stage, restrictions affected 54 categories of goods, including mineral fertilizers, aviation fuel, and motor oils. The decision on export restrictions, as clarified by the head of the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Hakan Fidan, was approved by the President of the Republic, Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Posted by:badanov

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