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Government Corruption
Biden's Illegal Fly In to USA airports partially revealed
[CenterForImmigrationStudies] Americans can now know the locations of 45 U.S. cities whose domestic airports have received flights carrying hundreds of thousands of inadmissible aliens the Biden administration authorized to fly over the border into the interior of the country but then determinedly fought to shield from public knowledge....
[number below are only for an 8 month period for which data is complete]
The top 15 cities migrants flew into during the eight-month window were:

Miami, Fla.: 91,821
Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.: 60,461
New York City, N.Y.: 14,827
Houston, Texas: 7,923
Orlando, Fla.: 6,043
Los Angeles, Calif.: 3,271
Tampa, Fla.: 3,237
Dallas, Texas: 2,256
San Francisco, Calif.: 2,052
Atlanta, Ga.: 1,796
Newark, N.J.: 1,498
Washington, D.C.: 1,472
Chicago, Ill.: 496
Las Vegas, Nev.: 483
Top 15 cities: 2024-05-01 DHS docs reveal where paroled migrants under controversial Biden flight program are landing
Top 15 cities: 2022-06-02 Report: Cities in Arizona, Texas, Florida See Massive Population Gains as Democrat Cities Tumble
Posted by:Lord Garth

#4  Any new arrivals with criminal tendancies will get it from both sides. They will get no love from the established crims or from the law.
Posted by: M. Murcek   2024-05-03 08:27  

#3  Forwarded to other sanctuary states by Governor DeSantis.
Posted by: Bobby   2024-05-03 08:19  

#2  I think the large numbers going to Miami and Ft Lauderdale are because those airports receive a large number of international flights from S. and C. America.
Posted by: Lord Garth   2024-05-03 08:17  

#1  Attempting to overwhelm and bankrupt Florida are we ?
Posted by: Besoeker   2024-05-03 06:07  
