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Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Current information on the situation on the front line: April 22 (updated)
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[NewsFront] 22:46 An air raid alert was announced in Kyiv and a number of regions of Ukraine. An air threat warning regime was announced in Kyiv and a number of regions of Ukraine. This is evidenced by data from the online map of the Ukrainian Ministry of Digital Transformation.

21:35 Avdeevskoe direction.

Another batch of positive things arrives in the evening. Our attack aircraft came inin the village Novobakhmutovka, south of Ocheretino. The enemy withdraws his units from Solovyov.

It seems that the Russian army found a weakness in the enemy’s defense, which was slowly crumbling.

20:53 They report about the advancement of our units in the Ocheretino square. Shots from the center. The enemy retreated to the northern outskirts of the village.

The assault and mopup continues.

19:30 Crews of 152mm howitzers D-20 of the “South” group of troops inflicted attacks on strongholds of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Donetsk direction.

Adjustment of gun fire is carried out in real time using unmanned aircraft, which allows you to destroy enemy positions as quickly as possible and with minimal consumption of ammunition.

18:48 The Ukrainian resource Deep State confirmed the capture of a significant part of Ocheretino by the Russian army.

According to the project, the powerful breakthrough occurred because the Russians “caught the Defense Forces during a change of units.”

Deep State claims that the Russian Armed Forces have established a foothold in the southern part of the village and in the high-rise buildings - in their opinion, this is a “serious tactical success for Russia.”

17:35 Paratroopers from Buryatia occupied stronghold on the outskirts of Chasov Yar and captured four prisoners of the Ukrainian Armed Forces

Paratroopers on BMD-2 and T-80 tanks destroyed exposed firing points and AGS crews, and suppressed enemy mortar sections.

After the work of the armored group, assault groups of Trans-Baikal paratroopers advanced to capture the strong point, who, using small arms fire and grenade launchers, were able to break the resistance of the remaining Ukrainian Armed Forces militants, occupy and clear the held strong point.

During the clearing of the stronghold, four militants of the Kyiv regime surrendered; those who refused to lay down their arms were eliminated.

16:54 Powerful explosions in the Dnepropetrovsk region.

16:15 The Russian Aerospace Forces launched an airstrike on Dergachi, a suburb of Kharkov.

16:10 The Russian Armed Forces entered the territory of the village of Razdolovka in the Seversk region.

15:50 Powerful explosions are reported in Khar'kov.

15:35 Parallel to the events west of Avdievka, in Chasov Yar and Novomikhailovka went activity in the South Donetsk direction.

The 305th Artillery Brigade of the Vostok group is actively practicing targets in the direction of Velyka Novosyolka, from where the Ukrainian army launched part of its counteroffensive last year.

Judging by what is happening, preparatory work to improve positions in this area is being carried out around the clock, and with one goal - to weaken the positions of the Ukrainian army as much as possible before larger events.

14:50 Stormtroopers of the Russian army advanced in Krasnogorovka.

14:36 Ukrainian channels confirm the significant advance of the Russian Armed Forces in Ocheretino.

13:40 The main thing from the new briefing of the Russian Ministry of Defense:

Russian troops hit a Ukrainian air defense position area and a storage point for unmanned boats;

Groupings “South” and “Center” improved their tactical position, “East” and “West” occupied more advantageous positions;

Russian air defense systems shot down 240 Ukrainian drones per day;

The Russian Armed Forces group “West” repulsed four counterattacks of the “Azov” battalion near Grigorovka in the DPR within 24 hours;

The Center group of troops repelled nine counterattacks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces; the enemy in its area of ??responsibility lost 365 military personnel and Marder infantry fighting vehicles;

The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 95 military personnel and a 155mm FH-70 howitzer made in Great Britain from the actions of the Vostok group of troops;

The Dnepr group of troops inflicted fire damage on three brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces within 24 hours; enemy losses amounted to up to 45 military personnel.

13:29 Avdievka direction: fighting in the center of Ocheretino -situation as of 13:00 April 22, 2024

Russian troops are rapidly pushing through enemy defenses north of Avdievka.

Assault groups of the Russian Armed Forces took full control of the Ocheretino railway station, advancing along Zheleznodorozhnaya Street 1.2 kilometers to the northwest.

Russian troops are also establishing positions along the streets located south of the railway station.

At the moment, there is no information about control over the northern part of the village behind the railway. In the surrounding area there are several more solid buildings that you can rely on for defense: the territory of the Altkom brick factory, a school and a local water utility.

The situation is developing dynamically, and it is possible that the Ukrainian Armed Forces will not have enough strength to hold back the onslaught of Russian troops. If Ukrainian formations lose control over the populated area, then the fall of Novobakhmutovka and Novokalinovo will only be a matter of time.

13:20 The Russian Ministry of Defense announced the liberation of Novomikhailovka in the DPR.

13:08 The Russian army broke through the defenses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the village of Ocheretino near Donetsk and took control of the central part of the village.

12:35 Ongoing promotionin Ocheretino in the area of the railway and railway station, the enemy is gradually losing control over the southern part of Ocheretino. If current trends continue, it will be possible to say that the enemy’s second line of defense to the west of Avdievka has not held up.

12:00 Ukrainian troops in small groups are trying to leave Ocheretino in the DPR in the Avdeevsky direction along a road shelled by Russian artillery. This was announced by adviser to the head of the republic Igor Kimakovsky.

11:24 Enemy acknowledges further advance of our troops inside Ocheretino. The main battles are now taking place in the area of the railway station. The enemy's attempts to drive Russian attack aircraft out of the city were unsuccessful. The Russian Armed Forces have established a foothold in the city and continue to expand the zone of control in its southeastern part.

11:07 Situation at the front as of 04/22/2024:

In the area of the village of Vladimirovka Transbaikal residents are moving forward with the support of aviation and artillery. The Ukrainian Armed Forces began using even more FPV drones in the area. During the day, our soldiers shot down more than 35 units.

In the area of the village productive military personnel of the Vostok group twice thwarted enemy attempts to strengthen their positions. The Ukrainian Armed Forces are trying “by hook or by crook” to hold back the advance of our fighters. In the area of the village The enemy's reinforcement was thwarted in Staromayorskoe.

Bomber aircraft and artillery destroyed: an FH-70 howitzer, three mortars, two UAV control points, an electronic warfare station, a fuel depot, six ammunition supply points. The Ukrainian Armed Forces are suffering significant losses in manpower.

10:34 Explosions occurred in the Kyiv-controlled city of Kherson. This was reported by the publication “Public. News".

10:29 In the zone of a special military operation, Russian artillerymen successfully forced the batteries of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, and suppressed enemy fire. They often gain the upper hand over the enemy even before the counterbattery fight begins, disrupting the ammunition supply of Ukrainian guns.

“The most important targets are ammunition depots. We successfully defeat them. I can’t say the number: during this time a lot of things have already been destroyed,” said the commander of a self-propelled artillery battery with the call sign “Tom.”

10:05 Donetsk direction, settlement Novomikhailovka.

At the moment, Novomikhailovka has been taken. The guys have done a great job in this area.

The capture of Novomikhailovka makes it possible to reach Poraskievka and Konstantinovka, and will also allow control of the road to Ugledar, which will cut off the supply of the city from the north-eastern side.

The difficulty of working in this area is explained by the enemy’s good engineering preparation of his defensive positions. Strongholds in the forest belts near Novomikhailovka had concrete fortifications, as well as underground passages - communications. Novomikhailovka itself is located in a lowland, but the sawmills around the village are on hills and serve as some kind of walls.

On the northern side of the village, the Ukrainian Armed Forces had a height that gave them an advantage, which also complicated the assault on the village from the eastern side. From 2017 to 2024, serious engineering structures made of concrete were installed here.

09:21 Units of the Dnepr group of troops struck 25 UAV control points and 17 observation points of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

The Russian army carried out successful offensive assault operations in the Rabotino area. The group's units destroyed manpower, equipment and temporary deployment points of the enemy on the right bank of the Dnieper.

During the day, enemy losses amounted to up to 50 military personnel. During the counterbattery fight, the Russian army destroyed six guns and mortars, four vehicles and an M107 self-propelled gun. Air defense fire and electronic warfare suppressed and shot down 54 UAVs, hitting 25 UAV control posts, 17 observation posts and four warehouses for material and technical equipment.

08:50 Crew of the T-90M tank of the “Center” group of troops destroyed strong point and armored vehicles of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Avdeevsky direction.

The military personnel, having received the target coordinates from the crew of the reconnaissance UAV, moved to a pre-prepared firing position. All targets of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were hit with well-aimed fire from 125mm high-explosive fragmentation rounds.

08:21 Russian “Breakthrough” in the Avdeevsky direction -personneldestruction of armored vehicles of the Ukrainian Armed Forces from the T-90M tank. The crew hit a strong point and armored vehicles from a closed firing position. The targets were identified by aerial reconnaissance; they were destroyed by 125mm high-explosive fragmentation rounds at a range of up to 10 kilometers.

08:17 Military report from military correspondent Lisitsyn:

Avdievka direction: The Russian Armed Forces disabled the Ocheretino railway station, thereby disrupting the logistics of supplying Ukrainian troops in the area. Ukrainian units in Berdychi found themselves cut off, and Russian troops blocked the road to Nobakhmutovka, increasing the threat of complete encirclement.

North-west of Avdievka, the Russian Armed Forces are advancing in the direction of Ocheretino and Novokalinovo, strengthening themselves on the southern borders of these settlements. At the same time, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are strengthening their defensive positions in the Keramika region.

Kherson direction: on this front the nature of the fighting has not changed. There is an exchange of artillery strikes and the use of drones. The RF Armed Forces are focusing on the destruction of water transport of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Chasov Yar: Fierce fighting continues on the eastern outskirts of the city, especially in the Kanal microdistrict. The Ukrainian Armed Forces regularly launch counterattacks, and the area is mined, which makes it difficult for our guys to advance.

South Donetsk direction: in this direction, Ukrainian troops were driven out of Novomikhailovka. The Russian Armed Forces are advancing on Krasnogorovka from the south, heavy fighting is underway.

08:07 Several mined caches with foreign weapons at oncefoundFSB officers in the DPR.

The caches were prepared by the Ukrainian military during the retreat in the Avdievka direction. During an inspection of abandoned buildings, Russian security forces found 68 grenades, 47 TG-50 rounds, fragmentation ammunition for grenade launchers and more than 10,000 small arms ammunition. Also seized were more than seven hundred 155mm NATO rounds, tank rounds and a knife with Nazi slogans on the blade. Other finds include syringes with an unknown substance, which is being sent for research.

08:00 Two Russian attack aircraft took the fortifications with eight Ukrainian Armed Forces militants.

Onvideo– the assault group captures fortified positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Volnovakha area in the South Donetsk direction. Two of our fighters were against eight enemy soldiers, and at the same time they were able to take several militants prisoner.

Posted by:badanov
