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Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
The Tver prosecutor's office files a lawsuit to recognize the crimes of the Nazis as genocide
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[Regnum] The Tver Region Prosecutor's Office filed a claim with the regional court to recognize the crimes of the Nazis in the region during the Great Patriotic War as genocide, the press service of the Prosecutor General's Office reported on April 22.

The Nazi invaders and their accomplices destroyed the cities and villages of the Tver region, destroyed civilians and captured Red Army soldiers, the department recalled. The Tver (in this period - Kalinin) region was occupied by the Nazis for three years.

“During this time, about 40 thousand civilians and prisoners of war were killed and tortured, died from hunger and infectious diseases, and more than 23 thousand people were driven into German slavery. The total amount of damage caused by the occupation to the economy and infrastructure of the region is almost 16 trillion rubles,” the press service said in a statement.

As Regnum reported, supervisory agencies from a number of other regions of the country had previously filed similar statements with the courts. Some of the claims have already been decided.

In particular, in February 2024, the Supreme Court of the Lugansk People's Republic recognized the actions of the Nazis and their accomplices on the territory of the LPR in 1942–1943 as genocide. About 100 thousand residents of the region became victims of the occupation regime of the Nazi troops.

On January 27, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Nazi Germany fought the USSR not because of ideology, but because of the resources and wealth of the Soviet Union. The Nazis intended to destroy the majority of Soviet citizens, and the survivors were being prepared to play the role of slaves, deprived of their native culture, traditions and language, the head of state emphasized.

Posted by:badanov
