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US Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Matisek: European troops could be stationed in Ukraine
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[Regnum] Troops from European countries may be stationed in Ukraine to conduct combat operations. This development of events was allowed by US Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Jahara Matisek in an article for Foreign Affairs magazine, which he wrote together with retired US Army Colonel Alex Crowther.

“European leaders should seriously consider stationing troops in Ukraine to provide logistics support and training, protect Ukraine’s borders, critical infrastructure, and even protect cities,” the article says.

The authors said that European military personnel can conduct both non-combat and combat operations, including patrolling the borders of Ukraine and protecting Black Sea ports.

“If Russian troops approach Odessa, European forces nearby will have the right to defend themselves and open fire on the approaching fighters,” the US military wrote.

At the same time, the article states that in many countries around the world there is a popular opinion that NATO is the aggressor in the conflict in Ukraine. Therefore, it is better to send troops there from European countries rather than from the North Atlantic Alliance, the authors concluded.

As Regnum reported at the end of February, French President Emmanuel Macron, after the Paris Conference on supporting Ukraine, said that the heads of the European Union countries discussed the possibility of sending their military to Ukraine.

The head of France stressed that Paris will do everything possible to prevent Russia from defeating Ukraine.

The official representative of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Maria Zakharova, noted that Macron’s statements indicate that NATO has begun the process of dividing Ukrainian territory.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has indicated, regarding Emmanuel Macron's various bellicose statements recently, that the French leadership has some kind of grudge against Moscow. Perhaps this is due to Russia’s policy in Africa, the Russian leader suggested.

Posted by:badanov

#2  LTC Long term care. :)
Posted by: Dale   2024-04-23 17:35  

#1  My first thought on this was, "Hmmm... most of the people commenting on Rantburg are old enough to have LTCs as grandkids."
Posted by: Penguin_of_the_Desert   2024-04-23 07:17  
