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Germany has launched an investigation into Knauf's participation in the restoration of Mariupol
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[Regnum] The prosecutor's office of the German city of Würzburg has begun a pre-investigation check against the construction company Knauf, official representative of the department Tobias Kostuch said on April 22.

The check is being carried out due to the appearance in the media of reports that Knauf materials were used by Russia during the restoration of Mariupol (DPR), Kostukh told RIA Novosti.

“It is important to note that there is currently no initial suspicion of committing a crime necessary to initiate a pre-investigation check. Rather, it serves to clarify whether such an initial suspicion exists at all,” said a representative of the prosecutor’s office.

Earlier, the news portal of the German television channel ARD reported that the products of two German companies (Knauf and WKB Systems) were used during the restoration of Mariupol. The German Economic Ministry called on prosecutors to investigate. Representatives of Knauf stated that they intend to transfer business in Russia to local management. The prosecutor's office did not specify whether an investigation would be carried out against WKB Systems.

As reported by IA Regnum, earlier Deputy Prime Minister Marat Khusnullin said that work on the restoration of the main facilities in the historical part of Mariupol will be completed in 2024. The master plan for the restoration of the entire city involves work until 2035.

At the end of December 2023, the Russian government approved a program for the restoration and socio-economic development of new regions of the country. The main goals of the program are the restoration of housing, public utilities and transport infrastructure, the development of the social sphere, the creation of a favorable investment climate and the achievement by new regions of average Russian indicators of quality of life by 2030.

Posted by:badanov
