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Africa Subsaharan
Boko Haram: Mothers, children forced into prostitution to survive
[DAILYPOST.NG] The International Committee of the Red Thingy (ICRC), has said that women and their children in the Lake Chad Basin, have been forced into prostitution, in order to make ends meet.

ICRC stated this on Thursday, while explaining how the Boko Haram
... not to be confused with Procol Harum, Harum Scarum, possibly to be confused with Helter Skelter. The Nigerian version of al-Qaeda and the Taliban rolled together and flavored with a smigeon of distinctly Subsaharan ignorance and brutality...
insurgency has driven millions from their homes and left families starving.

Over 2.4million have been displaced across the swamp lands of Lake Chad, where the borders of Nigeria, Chad, Cameroon
...a long, narrow country that fills the space between Nigeria and Chad on the northeast, CAR to the southeast. Prior to incursions by Boko Haram nothing ever happened there...
and Niger meet.

"It’s extraordinary to see a woman and her family and they have nothing other than what they have been given," Simon Brooks, who is the head of ICRC’s delegation in Cameroon, said.

"The children are clearly malnourished and it’s just hopeless", he added.

Speaking on how some mothers were now into prostitution, Brooks said: "When you don’t have the means to survive, you’ll go begging for it.

"It’s a loss of dignity when you’re having to resort to something like that just to keep your children alive ‐ fraternising with people who have money."

Posted by:Fred
