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Surprise! You may owe more than the Obamacare exchange quote.
Posted by:Besoeker

#4  This will hit hardest those who actually use their healthcare insurance, especially people with catastrophic medical bills

Which, at this point are the majority demographic that is going to enroll.
Posted by: Pappy   2013-10-21 20:55  

#3 allegory for America when it discovers the cost of seeking immortality, as reported when the 'rubes' discovered their premiums skyrocketed and quipped they thought someone else was going to pay for it [just like the generous pension bonuses handed out in Detroit].
Posted by: Procopius2k   2013-10-21 19:31  

#2  This of course is a Parke Davis Lithograph: Presenting the Bill. :)
Posted by: Shipman   2013-10-21 18:59  


As always Kelly Freas and MAD were ahead of the wave. Do note the quality instruments the Medico has at his disposal.
Posted by: Shipman   2013-10-21 18:56  
