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Home Front: Politix
Sebelius 'will testify' on ObamaCare website woes, Durbin says
[FOXNEWS] A top Democratic senator said Sunday that Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius will testify before Congress about the problem-plagued ObamaCare website, amid a growing call for her to accept requests to testify.

"Ultimately, Secretary Sebelius will testify," Sen. Dick Durbin
...Senator-for-Life from Illinois and Democratic Party Whip. In April 2006, Time magazine identified Durbin as one of America's 10 Best Senators, so what's that tell you? He was the first United States Senator to support the presidential candidacy of Barack Obama, then the junior senator from Illinois....
, D-Ill., the chamber's No. 2 Democrat, told "Fox News Sunday."
"Whaddya mean 'ultimately?'"
"When you hear that trumpet sound, and you see yer Granny risen from the grave, you'll know it's gonna come soon. Maybe a coupla weeks after that."

Sebelius and the entire B.O. regime has declined requests to testify on Capitol Hill about the site, which has been plagued by crashes, slow responses and other glitches since it went online Oct. 1.

The House Energy and Commerce Committee sent a letter directly to Sebelius last week asking her to testify Thursday on the matter.
Posted by:Fred

#9  She should blame it on Bush! Half the Senate will applaud her! The rest will be so stunned as winged monkeys fly, unicorns appear, and midgets, er, little people dressed as clown perform Hamlet.
Posted by: 49 Pan   2013-10-21 16:10  

#8   They've become masters of public relations manipulation and cover for action.

Hardly the skill of masters when they have the Permanent Party Propaganda Machine in the full sheep choir mode baying their song. A legion of Wormtongues makes the required skill level basically pedestrian. Even then they're scared of Fox, Rush, and bloggers.
Posted by: Procopius2k   2013-10-21 13:33  

#7  Durbin seems very certain of himself. There is a history of people getting thrown under the bus with Champ. Individuals as well as entire countries.
Posted by: JohnQC   2013-10-21 12:52  

#6  John Brennan took care of faulty and embarrassing contractors in the US Passport office of the State Department, perhaps he can take care of.... these ones.
Posted by: Besoeker   2013-10-21 12:46  

#5  Sebelius and the entire B.O. regime has declined requests to testify on Capitol Hill about the site, which has been plagued by crashes, slow responses and other glitches since it went online Oct. 1.

Health and Human Services has also been rather circumspect about the contractors who built "" site as well. Apparently there was concern about the contractors receiving subpoenas from Congress.
Posted by: Pappy   2013-10-21 12:06  

#4  when they send the email invite mke sure to use all the email address' that she currently uses.
Posted by: airandee   2013-10-21 10:13  

#3  I'm sure they'll have the same success as their -

1. laser like focus to restart the economy
2. reboot of America's foreign policy
3. reduction of the disparity of income of Americans
etc, etc, etc
Posted by: Procopius2k   2013-10-21 09:00  

#2  A resignation would spare us a great deal of drama. Of course that will likely not happen as a the media will be focused on Sebelius and her testimony as opposed to other, more egregious and deadly administration scandals. The goal of any OB regime crisis is to employ the event as a useful diversion. They've become masters of public relations manipulation and cover for action.
Posted by: Besoeker   2013-10-21 03:18  

#1  "Woes" are NOT what she needs to testify about, what about Obama's lies, deliberate falsehoods and outright "Misunderstandings".
(Deliberately, of course.)
Posted by: Redneck Jim   2013-10-21 01:12  
