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Hitler Learns about the Obamacare exchanges
[Power Line] You knew this was coming. In fact, Power Line may not have been the first to do it, but we didn’t look. Anyway, from Power Line Productions, our latest original contribution to the “Hitler Learns About” oeuvre. (Hat tip to Richard Samuelson, for collaborating on the writing.)
Ausgezeichneter !
Posted by:Besoeker

#3  there "their" throats...whoops should have used the possessive form.
Posted by: JohnQC   2013-10-21 12:49  

#2  The Obummer administration is no longer saying that the computer program has a "few glitches." They are now saying it has "technical problems."

All that is a bunch of cow pucky. From the git-go, the law was bad. Most people did not want it. They especially did not want it shoved down there throat. They did not like SCOTUS' contorted decision to call it a tax rather a penatly and force people to buy Obamacare. Hillary Care, the forerunner to ObamaCare was soundly rejected back in the 1990s. I would have thought that stake driven into the heart of this vampire would have been the end of it but no, the Donks never, ever leave a pet part of their agenda--it always returns. Time to wake up to the fact that their diktak is still not popular and exacerbates rather than solves a problem.
Posted by: JohnQC   2013-10-21 11:28  

#1  He's right. Stalin wouldn't put up with this.
Posted by: SteveS   2013-10-21 01:48  
