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Jugged Greenpeace Family Members Order Whine With Cheese
Interesting article by CNN - note the only American in the hoosegow has a father who's a longtime civil rights activist. Shocker!
I think you mean a longtime democratic voter entitlement activist
Bristol, Rhode Island (CNN) -- The Willcox family has long been accustomed to prolonged absences from their seafaring patriarch.

In fact, run-ins with the law were not unusual, given the fact that Peter Willcox had spent decades working for the environmental activist group Greenpeace, which is well-known for its provocative, headline-grabbing protests.

But no one expected the 60-year-old mariner to end up languishing in a Russian jail in the Arctic, facing up to 15 years in prison on charges of piracy.
I'm digging this story...
Posted by:Raj

#17  mystery meat
Posted by: Procopius2k   2013-10-21 23:03  

#16  Hard labor and meat for every meal.
Posted by: Airandee   2013-10-21 21:41  

#15  20 years of hard labor will do those people good.
Posted by: DarthVader   2013-10-21 20:52  

#14  They should be thinking of this as an opportunity to rite a fine book, maybe on the toiletless paper, cigarette skins (oh ick!) or skratch it into the walls with their broken canine toof. This is a call to greatness.
Posted by: Shipman   2013-10-21 18:50  

#13  "I think you mean a longtime democratic voter entitlement activist"

By George, I think the doctor's got it!
Posted by: Barbara   2013-10-21 18:25  

#12  This story gets 8.5 Mugniyahs on my Warm Fuzzy Scale.
Posted by: Grunter   2013-10-21 15:45  

#11  Queue Nelson Muntz.
Posted by: Iblis   2013-10-21 12:44  

#10  Cant we send them all? (Congresscritters)
Posted by: CrazyFool   2013-10-21 12:20  

#9  I demand a congressional delegation fly there at once and remain there until he is released !

Jesse Jackson available? Bill Richardson? Dennis Rodman? Dennis Kucinich? How about Ted Danson? He's always going on about the ocean, and he's not doing much...
Posted by: Pappy   2013-10-21 11:49  

#8  I support Putin' candidacy to the Nobel Peace Prize!!!!
Posted by: JFM   2013-10-21 11:39  

#7  It will only complicate matters if the Russians discover that the Greenpeace movement has been overtaken by a gaye 'extreme reality' vacation tour agency.
Posted by: Besoeker   2013-10-21 09:03  

#6  Trade them for Snowden.
Posted by: Skidmark   2013-10-21 04:58  

#5  But no one expected the 60-year-old mariner to end up languishing in a Russian jail in the Arctic, facing up to 15 years in prison on charges of piracy.

I demand a congressional delegation fly there at once and remain there until he is released !
Posted by: Besoeker   2013-10-21 03:49  

#4  But no one expected the 60-year-old mariner to end up languishing in a Russian jail

Posted by: g(r)omgoru   2013-10-21 02:09  

#3  But no one expected the 60-year-old mariner to end up languishing in a Russian jail

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition, either.
Posted by: SteveS   2013-10-21 01:40  

#2  Thats what you get for being a part of green peas...

Posted by: Cleretle tse Tung8254   2013-10-21 01:20  

#1  It's about time that Greenpiece faced the music.

I hope the Russians sink their ship too.
Posted by: Redneck Jim   2013-10-21 01:05  
