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-Short Attention Span Theater-
Miley Cyrus comfortable being naked
[TIMESOFINDIA.INDIATIMES] Since she issued a press release to that effect, you can believe her.
Posted by:Fred

#12  my point is her music now. Big album out, she's literally pimping and shocking and doing everything to sell it and I haven't heard a single song that I'm aware of.
Posted by: rjschwarz   2013-10-21 22:40  

#11  "Put it back on!"
Posted by: Barbara   2013-10-21 18:17  

#10  Does this mean we will soon be seeing Hanna Montana tapes in the remainder bin at the x-rated video store?
Posted by: SteveS   2013-10-21 18:08  

#9  I haven't heard any Miley music.

This was her big hit a couple years ago

Posted by: swksvolFF   2013-10-21 16:59  

#8  I'd rather look at the cover of the Defender-Scimitar and Times-Picayune.
Posted by: Ebbang Uluque6305   2013-10-21 16:11  

#7  I believe this is the last gasp of the 'can we sell anything with sex and shock value' means of selling music. It was hard to tell with Madonna and Gaga because some folks really seemed to like their music despite the headline antics.

I haven't heard any Miley music. She's doing this crazy stuff for attention but I'm not sure its translating into album sales. We will see.

I just hope she recovers from the stroke that makes her tongue hang out all the time because it's truly unattractive (oh and a decent haircut might also help the appearance Miley). There is more than just exposed skin to sexy.
Posted by: rjschwarz   2013-10-21 15:00  

#6  She may be comfortable but I'm a little uncomfortable with this little twerp being nekkid. Be careful what you do now for it may come back to haunt you later.
Posted by: JohnQC   2013-10-21 11:32  

#5  She is trying to make money being paid NOT to twerk.

Posted by: Frozen Al   2013-10-21 11:27  

#4  Miley Cyrus comfortable being naked

The issue is that the rest of us are not when it is in public.
The strip clubs are over ->
And they are appropriately labeled as such.
Posted by: Procopius2k   2013-10-21 09:11  

#3  It appears to be trying to communicate on a very basic level.
Posted by: Beldar Tingle   2013-10-21 06:19  

#2  Next she is going to tell us she is very comfortable with machine thingies...
Posted by: Cleretle tse Tung8254   2013-10-21 00:59  

#1  As a red-blooded "arrogant Fascist Male Brute", I'm not sure what "twerking" is, + I 'm pretty sure I'm too afraid to find out.

Posted by: JosephMendiola   2013-10-21 00:53  
