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-Lurid Crime Tales-
Man killed during bowling alley brawl in NJ
[MYFOXNY] Prosecutors say a man was apparently beaten to death during a large brawl that broke out during a party at a central New Jersey bowling alley.

But it's still not clear what started the brawl, which began around 1:30 a.m. Saturday in Piscataway and involved roughly 250 people. Authorities say the combatants were fighting inside the alley and in the parking lot, but most of them fled when police arrived.

Acting Middlesex County Prosecutor Andrew Carey says 23-year-old Jamount Atkins man was injured during the brawl and taken to a hospital, where he died shortly after. Autopsy reports haven't been disclosed, but Carey says it appeared Atkins was the victim of a beating.

No arrests have been made in connection with the brawl or Atkins' death.
Posted by:Fred

#6  23-year-old Jamount Atkins

Sounds Black to me.
Posted by: Redneck Jim   2013-10-21 20:47  

Posted by: S.A.M. New Delhi Field Office   2013-10-21 16:21  

#4  A nine pound maximum for a start. And then we can reduce the number of finger holes.
Posted by: Grunter   2013-10-21 15:39  

#3  The obvious answer is to require registration of bowling balls.
Posted by: Pappy   2013-10-21 11:23  

#2  They don't have pinsetters anymore, Besoeker; they've been replaced by robots. Another reason for the high unemployment rate of teens.
Posted by: Glenmore   2013-10-21 07:39  

#1  Bring in the pinsetters for questioning. We'll start there.
Posted by: Besoeker   2013-10-21 03:56  
