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Who let the dogs out? Walking a pooch in Iran is 'symbol of resistance'
[ENGLISH.ALARABIYA.NET] Iranians taking their dogs for "walkies" on the streets of the Islamic Theocratic Republic has been increasingly seen as a way to defy the government, Britannia's the Guardian reported this week.

Owning dogs has become an growingr trend in Iran's urban upper class over the past 15 years, despite the practice technically being prohibited by Islamic law.

Ordinances created three years ago have allowed authorities to seize dogs being walked outside in addition to imposing heavy fines from $100 to $500 for the "seditionist" or "un-Islamic" act.
Posted by:Fred

#1  I don't usually go for dawgs that live up to the name ScrapeIron, but in this case I'd have one for sure.
Posted by: Shipman   2013-10-21 13:45  
