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Home Front: Politix
Oprah Reportedly Declined White House Invite to Help Sell Obamacare
Posted by:Uncle Phester

#10  ^That

PopCorn Baroness carries a hammer.
Posted by: Shipman   2013-10-21 18:37  

#9  "Oprah has been at odds with the Obamas for some time now because she feels as if she has been cut out of their inner circle"

"Cut out"? Hell, honey, you were never in.

Bambi just used you, like he does everybody else.

AND he expects you to play the stereotypical abused woman that thanks him for the abuse and comes back for more.
Posted by: Barbara   2013-10-21 18:21  

#8  Maybe she actually groked what Tavis Smiley said a week ago about African Americans being worse off in every measurable catagory since Obama took power. Hope my buttocks.
Posted by: rjschwarz   2013-10-21 15:02  

#7  Nobody ever said Big O was stupid.

Fool me once - shame on you.
Fool me twice - shame on me!
Posted by: CrazyFool   2013-10-21 12:18  

#6  Check the link in #3, she's getting a lecture from Dr.Phil that hits the nail on the head. Maybe she did connect the dots.
Posted by: Procopius2k   2013-10-21 11:48  

#5  According to The [NY] Post, Oprah has been at odds with the Obamas for some time now because she feels as if she has been cut out of their inner circle

Brains have nothing to do with it. This is sheer ego.
Posted by: Pappy   2013-10-21 11:37  

#4  Oprah did not like being dissed and patronized by the WH with his election and re-election. Why would she want to help with ObamaCare?
Posted by: JohnQC   2013-10-21 11:30  

#3  You can a lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink. Hey girl, you got to connect the dots. Every point is there. BFO.
Posted by: Procopius2k   2013-10-21 09:07  

#2  Doubt if it had anything to do with insurance, but rather part of the standing FLOTUS and ValJar dust up the O had a while back. Some chicken Milano served a la Don Vito Corleone, would be newsworthy.
Posted by: Besoeker   2013-10-21 03:02  

#1  I always thought she had no brain, OK I'm wrong.

Or maybe it's because she has money?
Posted by: Redneck Jim   2013-10-21 00:57  
