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Al-Nusra Front 'Mufti' Killed in Syria's Daraa
[An Nahar] A top Jordanian Salafist leader said on Tuesday the "mufti" of the jihadist al-Nusra Front in Syria's southern province of Daraa has been in a killed in raid.

"Riyad Hdeib, or Abu Hamzah, was martyred in a regime raid on Daraa on Monday. Hdeib was al-Nusra's mufti in Daraa," Abed Shehadeh, known as Abu Mohammad Tahawi, told Agence La Belle France Presse.

Hdeib, a 32-year-old father of six, worked as a teacher in Amman before going to Syria for jihad seven months ago, according to Tahawi.
Posted by:Fred
