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-Short Attention Span Theater-
More Illinois gun insanity - KMOX.... in St. Loooouis
BELLEVILLE, Ill. (KMOX) -- Belleville police chief Bill Clay is ordering his officers to get their koffee and pancakes from anywhere but Denny's, calling the restaurant "political stupidness."

The new orders come after a New Year's Day clash between five detectives and one Denny's manager.

The department says the detectives were out of uniform but wearing their badges, when manager David Rice asked them to either leave or put their guns in their vehicle.

Rice, told the detectives that one of their weapons, specifically a female detective's gun, was making another diner feel uncomfortable.

As the officers were leaving, without their food, General Manager Michael Van walked up and corrected the manager and said it was fine for them to stay, but the officers said it would be too awkward and they left.
We're off to Cracker Barrel, be sure to give us a call if you.... ever have any trouble.
The restaurant is a private enterprise and is free to establish its policies. And consumers are free to make their opinion of those policies known via action and word. Just saying.
"Excuse me, waiter, but could you ask those officers to take their guns and leave? They make me really uncomfortable, and it's so much harder to rob you guys while they're here."
Posted by:Besoeker

#8  Meh. Those are the "fine officers" who will be conducting no-knock raids on the homes of firearm owner ID holders when Illinois' latest insanity becomes law.

Good for the Denny's manager.
Posted by: Rob Crawford   2013-01-04 17:58  

#7  Why would the female officer's gun make someone uncomfortable?

Were they muslim and didn't like property / uncovered-meat being able to defend themselves?
Posted by: CrazyFool   2013-01-04 17:52  

#6  specifically a female detective's gun, was making another diner feel uncomfortable.

Maybe the firearm in question was a 9mm "poodle shooter" and it was making the customer all Brigette Bardot.
Posted by: SteveS   2013-01-04 15:35  

#5  Ditto Barb. The 'external threat' is definitely not what one should be concerned about at Denny's.
Posted by: Besoeker   2013-01-04 15:01  

#4  Or just a plain old garden-variety robbery, CF. ;-p

Luckily I don't eat at Denny's, so don't need to worry - either about my own firearm or that robbery.
Posted by: Barbara   2013-01-04 14:47  

#3  Well if I wanted to commit a crazed spree-shooting in a Restaurant I know where I'd want to go!
Posted by: CrazyFool   2013-01-04 13:16  

#2  Ah yes, a Denny's Manager, suffering from delusions of adequacy I see. A common affliction.
Posted by: Secret Asian Man (at work)   2013-01-04 12:57  

#1  Manager David Rice - available for immediate employ and walking PR disaster
Posted by: Frank G   2013-01-04 12:39  
