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Southeast Asia
Indonesian city will ban women from straddling motorcycles
A city in Indonesia's province of Aceh will ban women passengers from straddling motorbikes, calling the position 'improper'.
These guys are acting like the San Francisco city council. Or Mayor Bloomberg...
The move comes after leaders from the country's only province ruled under sharia law drafted a series of new bills, including banning women from wearing tight pants, and allowing the stoning of adulterers and the flogging of homosexuals.

Under the new law, women in Lhokseumawe city, on the northern tip of Sumatra, will have to sit 'side-saddle' with their legs off to the side.

Mayor Suaidi Yahya said on Wednesday, "Women sitting on motorbikes must not sit astride because it will provoke the male driver. It's also to protect women from an undesirable condition. It's improper for women to sit astride. We implement Islamic law here."

Yaha added that women are allowed to straddle motorbikes if they are driving, as long as they are dressed 'in a Muslim way'.

The mayor plans to publicize the ban in upcoming weeks and will discuss sanctions with local Muslim clerics before issuing formal regulations.

Aceh began implementing sharia law after being granted special autonomy in 2001. Authorities now regularly cane people caught gambling or drinking alcohol.
Posted by:ryuge

#5  As per #3 - D *** NG!
Posted by: JosephMendiola   2013-01-04 19:28  

#4  The deaths of 170K Acehnese during the tsunami was obviously a sign from Allah that their impiety was being repaid a thousandfold. Thanks be to Allah, the message has been heard loud and clear. (Or something like that. I do wonder what would happen if something made a Muslim counterpart of the "Life of Brian").
Posted by: Zhang Fei   2013-01-04 16:22  

#3  Sorry Gorb, No pictures.
Posted by: Redneck Jim   2013-01-04 10:20  

#2  Remember we're in economic competition with these fine folks, so this sounds like a fine idea.
Posted by: Shipman   2013-01-04 10:15  

#1  A great natural experiment in the making.
Posted by: Perfesser   2013-01-04 08:04  
