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Home Front: Politix
How the Feds Disable Criminal Defense
In both cases, as in countless others, the feds have used certain techniques that virtually assure convictions of both the innocent and the guilty, the wealthy and the poor, the violent drug dealer and the white collar defendant, indifferent to the niceties of “due process of law,” particularly the right to effective assistance of legal counsel. In order to prevent a defendant from retaining a defense team of his choice, federal prosecutors will first freeze his assets, even though a jury has yet to find them to have been illegally obtained. They then bring prosecutions of almost unimaginable complexity, assuring that the financially hobbled defendant’s diminished legal team (or, as is often the case, his court-appointed lawyer) will be too overwhelmed to mount an adequate defense.
Posted by:badanov

#8  Feel free to skip the next 5 modules of the cache site anti-detection class John.
Posted by: Chuckles Big Foot9084    2013-01-04 15:34  

#7  Could be fun just "salting" large areas. A way to get rid of old cars, etc.
Posted by: JohnQC   2013-01-04 15:19  

#6  My personal favorite is a heavy old piece of agricultural implement or automotive scrap iron. the heavier and rustier the better. Sends a large signal and the operator will be reluctant to dig it all up, and simply move on. Makes an excellent reference point for recovery as well.
Posted by: Chuckles Big Foot9084    2013-01-04 15:14  

#5  Fireplugs, utility lines, things of that nature. Hand-held detectors will alert on them, and thus mask other underlying anomalies. Small and vertical is good. Many is better.
Posted by: Chuckles Big Foot9084    2013-01-04 14:49  

#4  What on earth is multi-site utility masking?
Posted by: JohnQC   2013-01-04 14:37  

#3  If you bought it on the internets, don't bother. They know, you know, they know. If you're very, very careful and deliberate, multi-site utility masking may be an option. Don't forget to document your work, and be advised; newly disturbed earth and tamping is bad juju.
Posted by: Chuckles Big Foot9084   2013-01-04 12:44  

#2  How deep would you have to bury your gold to keep them from finding it with a metal detector?
Posted by: Ebbang Uluque6305   2013-01-04 11:56  

#1  Yet another example of a tyrannical police state and lost freedoms. The growth and abuse of the RICO statute is well known. The advent of the computer age has enabled an individual's private assets to be catalogued, reviewed, and monitored in record time. I was amazed when I received SSA Form LC99 forms(Potential Private Retirement Benefit Information) in the mail following my registering for Social Security. Why should a 401K or a small private pension be of interest to the payer of an accrued benefit? A rhetorical question of course. Mason jars in the barn, not a bad idea. Just make certain it's not your barn.
Posted by: Besoeker   2013-01-04 02:37  
