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Nawaz vows to defy Qadri's "imported agenda"
[Dawn] Pakistain Moslem League-Nawaz (PML-N) chief Nawaz Sharif
... served two non-consecutive terms as prime minister, heads the Pakistain Moslem League (Nawaz). Noted for his spectacular corruption, the 1998 Pak nuclear test, border war with India, and for being tossed by General Musharraf...
on Thursday, referring to Tehrik Minhaj-ul-Koran (TMQ) chief Dr Tahirul Qadri, said "imported Sheikh-ul-Islam" wants to disrupt electoral process in the country and his sole agenda is to sabotage the upcoming elections.

"All this is being done to ambush Nawaz League," he said, adding that a few thousand people can not hold 180 million people of the country as hostage.

Speaking to media representatives after meeting with Jamhoori Watan Party (JWP) leader Talal Akbar Bugti at his Raiwind residence, Sharif said a little time is left in general elections and questioned purpose of holding long march by Tahirul Qadri. "We will not allow such dramas."

The PML-N chief urged Qadri to shun deceiving the nation and said "We don't need such useless lectures."

Nawaz Sharif said that his party was against the former dictator, General (Retd) Pervez Perv Musharraf
... former dictator of Pakistain, who was less dictatorial and corrupt than any Pak civilian government to date ...
from day one.
Posted by:Fred
