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Home Front: Culture Wars
Snakebit: Oprah Winfrey caught by another false memoir

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Oprah Winfrey has a new book scandal on her hands. A "memoir," praised in her O Magazine as "startlingly tender," has been revealed as a complete work of fiction.

"Love and Consequences," written by Margaret B. Jones, a self-described half white, half Native American foster child and former drug runner, has been revealed as a fake. The fictional story was actually penned by Margaret Seltzer, a white, private-school educated writer.

Riverhead Books, which published the work, began recalling the book earlier this week.

"Love and Consequences" didn't go as far as "A Million Little Pieces," a "memoir" by James Frey, which was later revealed as full of exaggerations and falsities. His book was recommended on national television for Oprah's Book Club.
Posted by:badanov

#10  "next up, a very special Oprah episode with Rigoberta Menchu..."
Posted by: Frank G   2013-01-04 17:22  

#9  Oprah suckered....AGAIN!
Posted by: tu3031   2013-01-04 16:48  

#8  written by Margaret B. Jones, a self-described half white, half Native American foster child and former drug runner. Used "Jones" as a nym? Half-white, half Native American foster child and former drug runner. Sounds like Senator Elizabeth Warren from Massachusetts (except for the drug runner part (so far as is known).
Posted by: JohnQC   2013-01-04 14:47  

#7  Movies just say Based on a true story and get away with whatever fictions they want. Novel/memoirs should do the same.
Posted by: Rjschwarz   2013-01-04 14:13  

#6  I have two questions:

1) Does Oprah know these books are frauds and promotes them anyway just to make a buck or is she just terribly naive?

2) Why should I care?
Posted by: Ebbang Uluque6305   2013-01-04 11:48  

#5  I don't watch Oprah, She's a whiny bitch, and i get that at home.
Posted by: Redneck Jim   2013-01-04 10:17  

#4  "Howlin mad Stevens....that's what they called me."
Posted by: Besoeker   2013-01-04 08:20  

#3  Oprah got rich by figuring out that a lot of women love a pity party so sh had one on TV that everyone could "attend".
Posted by: Deacon Blues   2013-01-04 07:55  

#2  You don't get the hand-wringing and tears (Oprahdile tears?) with fiction.
Posted by: SteveS   2013-01-04 00:28  

#1  If it's a decent read, why the hell are they marketing these as memoirs rather than fiction?
Posted by: Thing From Snowy Mountain   2013-01-04 00:20  
